To my knowledge, this is the first record of this species that has been confirmed by an image in the Canadian Maritimes. The only other record of this species accepted by ADIP (the Atlantic Dragonfly Inventory Project headed by Paul Brunelle) was of a sight record by Karl Dexter on June 26th, 1995 in Saint John County, New Brunswick.
For the record, this species was observed by Jim Bell, Rebecca McCluskey, and Denis Doucet. The species was also observed by Daniel Sinclair and Evan Houlahan on the previous day in the same location, but they were unable to capture it. Duplicate observations on iNaturalist are as follows: and Location accurate to within 15 m
FYI @neilvinson @laura_clarke @sinclvan6 @evan_houlahan @flyersmith
Caught in bay of fundy tidewaters and safely released.
FYI @johnklymko @neilvinson @laura_clarke My first this year, in a new location and a new county record :) Found during a pollinator survey at Wolfe Lk
Heads up @neilvinson @laura_clarke
New for the park
Heads up @neilvinson @laura_clarke
Observed entering small cavities in large decaying log in pollinator garden. If someone can get this to species, it is almost certainly "new for the park".
Heads up @neilvinson @laura_clarke
If correct, New for the park and pollinator garden, using Solidago canadensis mostly.
Apparently, Primrose is a prime (or premium) pollen provider for pollinators 😜
@neilvinson @laura_clarke (lil jk)
NB: Yellowjacket will be posted separately.
Looks like it has 'hopper prey. Could this be Mimesa sp in Psenini, @matthias22? I can add other pics more cropped, but the angles are quite similar.
If correct, new for the park @neilvinson @laura_clarke
The Genus is new to me and new for the park. I see that there are four species listed on the ACCDC site for NB: S. foederalis, S. labiata, S, nitida and S. subemarginata. When I go look on Discover Life, the Stelis listed that seems to fit best is S. subemarginata, as each of the yellow bands on tergites 1-5 seem to be slightly interrupted medially.
Heads up @neilvinson @laura_clarke @sinclvan6
On Solidago. Is this right @matthias22
If correct, new for park and Maritimes on iNat and Bug Guide
Another heads up @neilvinson @laura_clarke
In the Pollinator Garden
Red legs, scutellum and axillae help establish ID
New for the Park*
@laura_clarke @neilvinson
New for the park
in the pollinator garden
On Pearly Everlasting
@neilvinson @laura_clarke Heads up
Nice bluish eye on this tiny Digger Wasp.
@matthias22 @susanna_h @johnascher It sure looks similar to this Oxybelus found in Edmunston by Richard Migneault in 2013:
New for the park. Check it out, @neilvinson @laura_clarke. This very cool Bee Wolf is definitely carrying pollen as well. The Yarrow was the plant most buzzing with activity on Monday. I will forward this and the new robber fly (Laphria janus) to the rest of the team, too (two more new species added via the pollinator garden).
On Spiraea alba. Philanthus?@matthias22
New for the park
In pollinator garden. New for the park and region, apparently :D
On Solidago. Just maybe(e) Melissodes druriellus female?
@neilvinson I thought this chonky bee was pretty cool. New for the garden and park, I think (but maybe not). Several other new ones pending (see other recent observations in same location). It would be neat if the others involved with this pollinator project would also join iNat so I could tag them too @laura_clarke. In the meanwhile, I will continue trying to give weekly or bi-weekly updates. It's just hard to keep up as new things are popping up almost daily (when I can check, that is). The garden is just buzzing with cool things now, as so many more flowers are opening. Pretty exciting!