Unsure of species, white tip, iridescent purple side. Friend brought it from the nearby Otsego lake. Likely some type of waterfowl
This is the underside of the feather. I flipped it over and took a picture with my real camera that I will add later, but it had much more of that dark tan butterscotch color.
Ozark-St. Francis NF, feathers were spread about photos 5,6,7, & 8 are before I gathered them
ID based on
-Wing formula (out of range for collared morphs of pied).
-Incomplete collar without white bases at the center (likely rules out collared)
-Collar too extensive to be semicollared
-Tail pattern rules out semicollared and does not favor collared
-Cream-colored underwing, very favorable for pied and bad for collared/semicollared, in which we did not see this trait.
-Great asymetry in the amount of white on both wings (check the last 2 photos)
We have sent off samples for DNA analysis
Plain brownish feather. My guesses would be a quail or a mourning dove, based mostly on size.
Перья на обоих фото - от одной птицы
Species: Red-tailed Hawk
Length: 12 in (30.5 cm)