Anyone care to weigh in on common vs Barrow’s for this female goldeneye with chicks? The bill looks rather dark to me and the head / bill shape in the first two photos makes me think common, but in the other three pics it does seem like a rather abrupt forehead. FWIW, the CV’s top suggestion for all the pics is Barrow’s, for some reason.
I was also surprised that one chick (see last photo) was a strange pale yellow— just late at molting?
My best guess
Anyone care to weigh in on common vs Barrow’s for this female goldeneye with chicks? The bill looks rather dark to me and the head / bill shape in the first two photos makes me think common, but in the other three pics it does seem like a rather abrupt forehead. FWIW, the CV’s top suggestion for all the pics is Barrow’s, for some reason.
I was also surprised that one chick (see last photo) was a strange pale yellow— just late at molting?