Archivos de diario de octubre 2021

18 de octubre de 2021

Oct 24 Common Lovebug ID event

Hi everyone!

We're happy to announce an online meeting next week! Here are the details:

The Zoom meeting will open at approximately 4 P.M. EST on Sunday the 24th.

The plan is to focus on the Common Lovebug, Plecia nearctica. We'll start by taking a quick look at our diagnosis for this species in the Southeast in our guide to March flies of the USA and Canada. We'll spend most of the time individually going thru observations while discussing questions and interesting observations.

Join the Zoom Meeting here:

Meeting ID: 715 7078 4120
Passcode: diptera

Feel free to leave a comment either to let us know if you're planning on attending or to subscribe to be notified of future events! Questions are also welcome.

Publicado el octubre 18, 2021 12:12 MAÑANA por edanko edanko | 12 comentarios | Deja un comentario

24 de octubre de 2021

Oct 31 ID event - Four-speckled Hover Fly

We're happy to announce another online meeting next week! Here are the details:

The Zoom meeting will open at approximately 4 P.M. EST on Sunday the 31th.

The plan is to focus on the Four-speckled Hover Fly, Dioprosopa clavata. We'll start by taking a quick look at guide materials. After that, we'll spend most of the time individually going thru observations while discussing questions and interesting observations.

Join the Zoom Meeting here:

Meeting ID: 715 7078 4120
Passcode: diptera

Feel free to leave a comment either to let us know if you're planning on attending or to subscribe to be notified of future events! Questions are also welcome.

Guides to help ID this species at our meeting:
Regional guides for adults:
Guide to larvae and pupae:

Optional warm-up:

Publicado el octubre 24, 2021 11:58 TARDE por edanko edanko | 19 comentarios | Deja un comentario

25 de octubre de 2021

How we learned to tell apart Eupeodes americanus and pomus

More than 400 observations of Eupeodes larvae have been shared on iNaturalist from around the United States and Canada. Based on their distribution, the vast majority could only belong to one of the two widespread Eastern species: Eupeodes americanus and E. pomus. A series of reared larvae recently enabled us to rediscover and corroborate characters to separate larvae of these two species that were previously described (under synonyms) in Heiss (1938). Many thanks to @molanic @zdanko and @trinaroberts in particular for their help (let me know if I'm forgetting anyone else please).

@nsouc reared an E. americanus about a year ago (iNaturalist#52819675). Along with @zdanko, I reared several Eupeodes americanus in 2021 and two males successfully emerged as adults (iNaturalist#83068603, iNaturalist#96176999). @molanic found several Eupeodes larvae in June and shared them on iNaturalist, where we invited them to study these larvae further. @molanic ultimately reared 13 E. pomus and 15 E. americanus, of which 4 E. pomus and 3 E. americanus successfully emerged. Despite strong differences between the larvae of these species, adults do not noticeably differ except in male terminalia:

E. pomus male terminalia:
E. americanus male terminalia:
E. pomus female
E. americanus female

With the ability to confidently identify the larvae of these species, we now have a dataset of their respective occurrences based on iNaturalist and BugGuide data. You can see maps here:

Eupeodes americanus larvae are grey to brown in color. Starting in the second instar, they possess a small round patch of small black setae on the side of each abdominal segment. These black setae persist into the puparium and are an easy way to separate larvae and pupae from E. pomus.

E. americanus feeding on Aphis nerii on milkweed in IL:
2nd instar
last instar

E. americanus feeding on aphids cf. Uroleucon on a yellow composite in MD
1st instar
2nd instar
Last instar

Eupeodes pomus larvae are yellow to green in color, with bright red and white markings dorsally. Last instars also lack the long bristles typical of E. americanus or larvae with similarly-colored patterning like Dioprosopa clavata or Paragus spp.

E. pomus feeding on Aphis nerii on milkweed in IL:
first instar
medium early instar
later early instar
last instar
fresh pupa
Mid pupa
Late pupa

This last set wasn’t reared but illustrates some of the color variation typical of E. pomus larvae on unusual species of host aphid:
E. pomus feeding on* Aphis craccivora* on redbud in IL:
Last instar
Middle instar

Many other larvae of these species have been photographed and shared on iNaturalist and BugGuide, representing many other aphid and ant hosts.

Heiss, 1938. A classification of the larvae and puparia of the Syrphidae of Illinois, exclusive of aquatic forms. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Publicado el octubre 25, 2021 10:16 TARDE por edanko edanko | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

31 de octubre de 2021

Nov 7 ID event - observations of 'Diptera'

We're happy to announce another online meeting next week! Here are the details:

The Zoom meeting will open at approximately 3:00 P.M. EDT on Sunday the 7th.

The plan is to focus on observations left as 'Diptera'. We'll start by taking a quick look at guide materials. After that, we'll spend most of the time individually going thru observations while discussing questions and interesting observations.

Join the Zoom Meeting here:

Meeting ID: 715 7078 4120
Passcode: diptera

You can leave a comment either to let us know if you're planning to come or to subscribe to be notified of future events! Questions are also welcome.

Guides to use at our meeting:

What we'll be identifying:

Publicado el octubre 31, 2021 10:06 TARDE por edanko edanko | 11 comentarios | Deja un comentario