16 de junio de 2023

Robbins Park!

This week was an adventure! At the beginning of the week, I was at Valley Forge and took some pictures of some fun plants I saw. My goal was to get a picture of the birds, as they were everywhere, but every time I took my phone out, they were gone. Then my brother and I went to a park to walk around. We hadn't been there since we were kids, so instead of going to the trails down the street, we mixed it up a little. There was SO MUCH to see there. It was crazy because the park is right next to the highway so on one side all I could hear was cars racing by, but if I turned the other way, all I could hear were the sounds of birds chirping, leaves tussling, and water babbling. The trail we went down was supposed to lead us to a Bullfrog Bog, but as the sky became darker and darker, we turned around halfway. On the way back, we were surprised by a Mother deer and her baby. Soon after, the rain began and it was so peaceful in the woods. There were so many different animals out on the way through the trial, like bees, squirrels, and birds, but on the way back, once we heard the rain begin, nothing was out. Luckily we got back to the car before the thunderstorms and pouring rain began. Although we should have timed our walk better with the weather, I think being out right before the rain was good because we got to see all the animals out, and almost like a warning sign, they all retreated before the storm.

I wanted to refrain from taking pictures of trees since there were so many, so I tried to focus on the plants scattered along the ground. Even with all the pictures I shared, there were at least 15 more I didn't add. There were so many different types of plants, both with and without flowers. While usually, the flowering plants are the most interesting, some of the flowerless plants were cool because of the design of their leaves and their veins - if they showed or not and how much they showed. This is a park I'll definitely be going back to, for either fun or to take more pictures for iNaturalist.

Publicado el junio 16, 2023 08:54 TARDE por sabrina908 sabrina908 | 10 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

10 de junio de 2023

Neighborhood Walk

Due to the haze from the Canadian Wildfires, being outside was not an option for most of this week. That meant that my only outdoor time this week was Friday. I went for a walk with my mom in the morning and caught some pictures of interesting things I saw. Again this evening, we went for a walk on the way to a neighborhood grad party. On the way there and back, I observed some more interesting plants growing out of the cracks of the sidewalk and along the sides. In the morning, it was easy to spot the fungi. I immediately noticed the mushrooms in the grass near the sidewalk. Then, while taking pictures of the mushrooms, I noticed a tree nearby that looked like there were spores or mold on it. After the walk, I went inside to get breakfast and did some cleaning, but when playing outside with the dog a little later, wandered around and saw some more interesting things on the trees. It looked like moss and then another type of fungus or mold. The dog then claimed my attention and I played with him in the yard. The final time I walked outside is when I found things growing in between the cracks of the pavement. What was interesting about this was it was that it had rained about half an hour before and some of the plants came out during the rain.

Publicado el junio 10, 2023 03:46 MAÑANA por sabrina908 sabrina908 | 6 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
