River Springs 9.9.2018

Stopped at River Springs in the afternoon to bird and look for tiger beetles. Spent 1-2 hours walking the alkali grass stubble hoping to find Cicindela parowana. I didn't find any of those, but encountered good numbers of C. tanquebarica and one C. oregona in the dry grassy, alkaline uplands.
The wetland I stopped at for the next couple hours was incredible for tiger beetles. Literally standing in place I observed 6 species! The ones listed here plus C. oregona. Good numbers of individuals as well. Patches of the mud were covered with tiger beetle activity! I estimated 8-10 Susan's Tiger beetle. At least 2 pairs were in mate guard position (only species I saw doing that), plus several singles.
Williston's TB - estimated 10 or so individuals. All of them had a green sheen, and I strongly suspect these are psueudosenilis, or perhaps that mixed with echo. I've been doing a project on Williston's TB's this summer with a small grant, and have observed and collected them at Owen's Lake, Mono Lake, Alkali dry lake in Mineral Co NV, and middle alkali lake in Modoc. These River Springs ones looked alot like the Owen's ones.
Oblique-lined tiger-beetle - very common. Didn't estimate a number, but present in dry grassland and mudflats. As in observation listed below, several individuals appeared exceptionally hairy - more so than I'm used to for this species.
Short-legged: only 3-4 observed. However, in the field they are easily over-looked among the C. tranquebarica. They look slightly greener and have a thinner front maculation. Seen pulling small inverts from the mud & eating them (Williston's did this also).
oregona - fairly common on shoreline
wetsalts Tiger Beetle: also common in the mudflats. Ranged from jet black with bold crisp yellow maculation to ebony black

Birds here were very slow given the time of year. One Least Sandpiper, a handful of Red-necked Phalarope, a dozen or less WF Ibis, and a few waterfowl and PB Grebe with a juvenile.
About 90 feral horses out in the meadow to the east of this location, and horse damage around this spring was bad. I took some documentary photos. Though the Tiger beetle spot was so muddy & soft, the horses seemed to avoid it.
Also in the meadow to the east were about 25 pronghorn. The Pronghorn are relatively new arrivals here as far as I know (I've occasionally birded here for 15+ years). I saw 26 pronghorn last time I was here in late summer, and pronghorn appear to be increasing in western Mono Co. this year. Reports have come from Black Point (first pronghorn there since the 80's - since the late 90's for the Mono Basin) and out Hwy 167
Also encountered a swarm of what I suspect are broad-striped lady beetles in the alkali grassland. I have also seen these in Long Valley while looking for tiger beetles in alkaline grassland habitat. Crossidius coralensis (spelling?) still active, one individual on rabbitbrush

Publicado el septiembre 10, 2018 10:23 TARDE por storm_petrel storm_petrel


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Septiembre 9, 2018 a las 02:51 TARDE PDT


These orange ones are still out at River Springs

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Septiembre 9, 2018 a las 12:51 TARDE PDT


Mass of them active in a grass clump in alkali meadow. Back in July I encountered a similar grouping of these at Benton Crossing in alkaline grassy mudflats

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Septiembre 9, 2018 a las 02:04 TARDE PDT


at least 2 pairs in mate guard position - the male planing his legs. In this case at times all 6 legs were raised up. I estimated 8 - 10 individuals in this one patch of mudflat. I observed 6 species while standing in place here

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Septiembre 9, 2018 a las 02:07 TARDE PDT


Single individuals ranged from jet black, to subtle yellow maculation - sickle shape on shoulder - as seems frequent here

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Septiembre 9, 2018 a las 01:51 TARDE PDT


I estimated 10 or so present at this spot. All had a distinct greenish sheen - much like pseudosenilis of Owen's Valley/Owen's lake. It's tempting to enter these as that - as the populations I've been observing at Mono Lake and areas north of there have lacked that green sheen. Though Will Richardson photographed one in the Tahoe region greenish like this.

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Septiembre 9, 2018 a las 01:56 TARDE PDT


Here is a blackish individual. I observed only 3-4 of these at this spot. This one was black, others had a matte green tone

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Septiembre 9, 2018 a las 03:23 TARDE PDT


Here are images of the one(s) that had a subtle matte green tone to the back. These seemed to average thinner, less bulbous-tipped front maculation. But I've not looked at enough to say if that's a consistent correlation

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Septiembre 9, 2018 a las 01:59 TARDE PDT


Common here, both in the alkali mudflats and the dry surrounding alkali grasslands. Some individuals were very hairy, included in this submission. Others were not so hairy at this spot. I reviewed photos I've taken of this species in this area and none seemed so hairy as these. Perhaps the sticky alkali mud was a factor?
I seem to recall coming across populations or individual C. oregonas that were hairier than others. Maybe it's just a variable thing. Curious what folks think on that

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Septiembre 9, 2018 a las 02:03 TARDE PDT


Common at this site. Some very black and crisply marked like this, others had reduced or no maculations

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Septiembre 9, 2018 a las 03:27 TARDE PDT


This individual caught my eye. The red abdomen was not obvious. I captured it, and it did have a red abdomen! Superficially it could have been called Susan's TB, but the rusty tone on the back seemed wrong - it just wasn't right for susanagreae. I've seen black wetsalts before, but this one seemed extra black and more subtle in abdomen shape difference.


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