Red Tailed Hawks Nest In my Neighborhood 5.15.2023

For years, I've had red-tailed hawks nesting in a rather large tree behind my house.
They did not disappoint this year.

I start hearing the squealing baby rths and that's when I travel back with my camera to try to get pictures. They aren't easy to get, because the tree they are nesting is higher than a two-story condo. I love I can run get pictures of them every year.

The squealing for hours on end is concerning to me; it sounds so pitiful. This year they seem to be doing better and have more food sources. And, there are two in the nest I can see, and I suspect an even smaller one underneath the others. I love my hawks. Although, the parents do visit my yard and terrify all my species of birds who regularly feed and drink here.

Publicado el mayo 23, 2023 11:14 TARDE por twylabirdjean twylabirdjean


Fotos / Sonidos


Aguililla Cola Roja (Buteo jamaicensis)




Mayo 2023


Texas, US (Google, OSM)


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