I'm so stoked for this news. The last few years I've gone to the Bay Area to help out with the CNC there but now I will get to help in my own backyard. The area is very large and includes Sacramento, Yolo, San Joaquin, Sutter, Yuba, Nevada, Placer, El Dorado, and Amador counties. The variety of habitats is amazing.
When I helped with the Bay Area on the City Nature Challenge I noticed that certain areas are often neglected. Fish especially. We'll have a variety of aquatic habitats from Lake Tahoe to the Delta. I'm already working to join some fishing Facebook groups to recruit some fisherman to record as many fish species as possible. There are so many more things to think about as April inches slowly closer. The next few months are going to be tough to tamp down the anticipation.
El Dorado and Placer County are in @twillrichardson. Can we get TINS knocking out stuff up in the Tahoe Basin?
@birdgal5 @kempo63 @mattk561 @leticiapadilla @lauren134 @tjttanker @chicorydee @brandonh1 @amhaskins @timberly2 @faerthen @ldouglas14 @maraweston
I added a bunch of folks that have entered observations in Sacramento County or that I follow who are local. If you have any friends who use iNaturalist please tag them in this journal post. I really want to get the word out about the City Nature Challenge coming to Sacramento.
Hey guys/gals....want to join in? @debaraj @paloma @dickwood @natomapaul @grnleaf @digibirdtrek
Sure, we can promote that. We're doing a wildflower big year for the whole year again, but a lot of stuff's likely to be under snow still in late April (fingers crossed for a good snow year, anyway). Remind me again in mid-March and we'll see if there's room in our monthly blast. Otherwise, we'll just get some FB posts out as it gets closer.
Sounds like fun! Would love to be part of City Nature Challenge!
@twillrichardson I figured that about the wildflowers. It would be nice to get some of the cool fish that the Tahoe Basin has for the list.
Thanks for tagging folks @paloma.
@paloma thank ypu for tagging me. I really wish to join the project, however I will be out of California around that time.
Thanks for tagging me, @vermfly! We're always trying to learn more about the flora and fauna of Sagehen Basin. As Will suggested, send a reminder around the first of April and we'll get on it!
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