Luxembourg - iNaturalist World Tour

Today, we start Week 8 of the iNaturalist World Tour. This week will take us to Luxembourg
Botswana and Namibia in Southern Africa, Honduras and Puerto Rico* in the Neotropics, Turkey which straddles the boundary between Europe and Asia, and Sri Lanka in Asia.

Let's kick off the week by celebrating our 50th stop in the tiny country of Luxembourg. Most of the top observers are in the southern part of Luxembourg, especially around the capital city of Luxembourg. @paul_luap and @cecellina both have many observations around the capital and north, @carlobraunert is most active in the east, and @raedwulf68 in the south. The full observation map shows observations impressively distributed throughout the entire country.

There was very little activity in Luxembourg until a typical northern hemisphere seasonal pattern emerged in 2018. 2019 saw a dramatic spike from Luxembourg's participation in the City Nature Challenge in April, organized by @paul_luap and @taniaw. It seems to have sparked a sustained higher level of participation in the months following, thanks in part to new contributors who joined around that time like entomologist @claudekolwelter @nobara and nature guide @guyw. @paul_luap is also behind the Neobiota Luxembourg project to detect and respond to newly invasive species for the National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg.

Plants and insects are the most observed taxa. For identifications, @thierryh and @paul_luap are nearly tied for plants. @ldacosta leads again for birds, mammals, and fish. Beetle expert @vitalfranz has contributed the most insect identifications, followed by @svenjachristian who leads for arachnids and other invertebrates. @alexwei leads for molluscs and @tom-kirschey-nabu for herps.

It looks like many users are associated with the National Museum of Natural History, are professionals or experienced and/or dedicated amateur naturalists, which is promising for a sustained active community in Luxembourg. What can we do to get more people in Luxembourg using iNaturalist? Please share your thoughts below or on this forum thread.

@wollef @guypopbio @jasonrgrant @marikoll @ktlux @amzamz @bobwardell @seladoneule @georges3 @dengel1967

We’ll be back tomorrow with Botswana!

*Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the United States, but we're covering it separately as part of the World Tour because it has its own ISO 3166 code. As we proceed especially to more of the smaller islands, we'll encounter this situation again where outlying territories are highlighted separately from their associated country.

Publicado el agosto 12, 2019 04:23 TARDE por carrieseltzer carrieseltzer


Thanks a lot @carrieseltzer for this nice and accurate little post about our iNaturalist affords in here Luxembourg!

It's great to see that we are "being noticed" even as such a small country. For us at then MnhnL it is nice to sea that we managed to raise user and observation number over the past two year, since we started using and promoting iNaturalist. Most of the people that we tell about iNaturalist are responding very positively.

The City Nature Challenge was a great opportunity for us to promote iNaturalist on a lager scale and apparently we did recruiter some new regular users.

I hope that we can improve our ranking for the next iNaturalist world tour, if their ever will be one :-)

One issue that we frequently run into is people asking us "how do I change the language of the common names?". When using the site this is fairly easy, but many of the new users only use the app, which sets itself to the language of the OS. Most people here in Luxembourg are fine with using their mobile devices set to English, but no one is familiar with common names in English, they would prefer German or French (but would never set their entire device to one of those languages, ex. me). I hope the app will in the future somehow allow changing the language of common names more easily.

Publicado por paul_luap hace más de 4 años

Yes, great work in Luxembourg, @paul_luap! It's helpful to understand more about the nuances of how multilingual users prefer to see common names and we'll keep that in mind for future improvements.

Publicado por carrieseltzer hace más de 4 años

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