Being wrong is fun!

It's always exciting when I am (or might be) wrong

That's when I learn! And, occasionally, when my species count goes up :)

People are typically very nice about it

They don't criticize and often acknowledge that they, too, are learning. I think people who like nature are mostly just like that. Of course, nature is good for us and inaturalist encourages courtesy. With the discussions we get into, some folks are starting to feel like friends I've never met (@wetlandfan, @elytrid, @greenscenery...).

They may or may not explain their reasoning

But, I stop and realize that some of these folks are doing massive numbers of IDs and being asked to render final opinions when other experts are puzzling. That's a lot of work and time.

But when they do, it's Awesome

When folks take time to educate me, I really appreciate it! With apologies to those I left out, here are a few (in no particular order):

Publicado el enero 18, 2021 07:33 TARDE por whateverwatcher whateverwatcher


You are right, with 52,000 IDs and counting it is not always possible to explain the reasons or else I would get only a fraction done. But I am very willing to explain an ID if necessary. Science (that includes citizen science) must be transparent and objective, otherwise it isn't science.

Publicado por matthias22 hace más de 3 años

Thanks for sharing -- it's great to see examples of these interactions within the iNat user community! @tiwane
As for being wrong, it's a case of Cunningham's Law: "The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, it's to post the wrong answer."

Publicado por d_kluza hace más de 3 años

Great, now everyone is going to expect me to be helpful. Thanks a lot.

Just kidding, thanks for the shout out - always happy to try and get people more interested in these tiny animals.

Publicado por jgw_atx hace más de 3 años

Ditto to everything! The Odonata folk rarely miss an observation! Su always has a helping ID with butterflies and birds. Ohio is lucky to have a great and diverse number of knowledgeable IDers!

@rcurtis and @chuckt2007 are also a few of the many very helpful and active NEO iNatters.

Everybody contributes so much; not only are these individuals great resources, but they're why iNat is the resource it is. You are appreciated and recognized!

Publicado por wetlandfan hace más de 3 años

Nice post!
I got a lot of help too which made my foray into insects so much more enjoyable (I still get a lot of help) and I recognize quite a few names in here!

Publicado por raycama hace más de 3 años

Thank you @wetlandfan for the very nice comment. It is a pleasant and humbling experience to have the opportunity to be able to see all the amazing observations that so many dedicated people, like you, have shared on iNaturalist. Also, it has been fun seeing some of the best Ohio nature preserves through the lens of a talented young observer like you.

It has been great being able to share with everyone during the COVID 19 situation, when we have been constrained by isolation. Thank you to all who have helped me with my problem identifications.

Publicado por chuckt2007 hace más de 3 años

Thanks for the mention! It's great getting to recognize and become friends with other naturalists on here! :)

Publicado por elytrid hace más de 3 años

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