26/10/22 Bird & Frog survey: Yellingbo

Notes from: a Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater hosted citizen science event.
After a downpour of rain the previous night, hitting already sodden soil, the creek was running fast and every bit of low lying land was filled to capacity and overflowing. It was wet underfoot, but an interesting time to be out in the reserve doing our surveys! The weather was overcast yet kind, with just a bit of drizzle, but still and reasonably warm. It wasn't surprising that our bird list wasn't huge - 28 species recorded - including a Rufous Whistler, Satin Flycatcher, Silvereyes and Fan-tailed Cuckoo. Just 2 frog species heard, the Eastern Banjo Frog and Common Eastern Froglet. For a bird and frog survey, we spent a lot of time looking at orchids! They were everywhere, including at least 2 types of Sun-orchids (flower buds yet to open), Eastern Bronzehood, Waxlips, Purple Beard Orchid, Pink Lady Finger and Large Tongue-orchid. As always, the company and walk was great, as was the lemon slice that Robert baked for us :)

Publicado el octubre 26, 2022 08:19 TARDE por regnans regnans


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