Fern Identification Walk, Bomaderry Creek Regional Park, 20 June

Fern Identification Walk, get in quick as limit of 10 people

The fern identification walk in the beautiful Bomaderry Creek Regional Park will be guided by Dr Kevin Mills, a noted local botanist. There are 34 identified species in the park. The walk, starting at 9am, will go for 2 hours with time for morning tea along the way, and will follow the formed tracks in the park.

To register and for meeting point, email Michael Irving mirving2535@gmail.com
Date: 20 June
Time: 9.00-11.00am
Grade: Easy
Limit: 10
Please do not attend if you have any COVID symptoms.

Publicado el junio 10, 2022 07:49 MAÑANA por barv barv


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