more results, and prizes for top participants!

World Rankings
ABQ's 10605 observations put us 28th in Total Observations out of 419 cities (in the top 7% worldwide!)
We ranked 47th in species identified (1,273), 37th in number of identifiers (411), and 42nd in number of observers (350).

In arid climates overall, we placed 5th total observations, 6th in species identified, and 5th in observers!
In our specific climate (BSk (cold semi-arid in the Koppen climate system)), we were 3rd total obs, 4th in species, and 4th in observers. (Denver was 3rd with only 15 more participants than we had!)

We're contacting our top observers, identifiers, and species finders in addition to the members of the winning team, Geography & Environmental Studies, and asking for mailing addresses so that we can send your small prize. We've heard that some people are getting warnings given that we have not corresponded previously so we wanted to let you know it is a legitimate request.

Fun fact from one of our ID events:
Did that you know that those army cutworm moths that sometimes visit in abundance are full of great protein and nutrients? They are a great food source for bears, so the next time we have too many just remember that they are supporting our bear neighbors!

Publicado el mayo 12, 2021 04:12 TARDE por cncabq cncabq


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