Thinking of planning an event for the CNC?

If you or your organization is thinking about holding a related event before, during, or soon after the City Nature Challenge in the Chicago Metro area, please fill out this form - new events are no longer being accepted. Join in next year for the 2022 CNC!

We'll be posting the list of public events on the CNC: Chicago Metro website and this project page.


  • socially distanced bioblitz
  • guided nature hikes
  • iNaturalist workshops/trainings (e.g. for beginners, how to add IDs, educator-focused, or advanced iNat usage)
  • virtual identification party or nature storytelling
  • sharing how your organization or research uses iNat data
  • learning about urban flora and fauna through iNat or Seek
  • urban nature trivia Zoom

We're also having monthly planning meetings on third Tuesdays at 10AM (next one is February 16th). Please reach out to me if you or a colleague might be interested in attending those, or comment below if you have any ideas for the Chicago region's CNC!

cassi / @bouteloua

Publicado el enero 29, 2021 12:22 MAÑANA por bouteloua bouteloua


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