Diario del proyecto Estero Bluffs State Park Species List

09 de junio de 2023

I Naturalist visit to Estero Bluffs State Park

May 04, 2023
Cayucos Land Conservancy iNaturalist Outing to Estero Bluffs State Park, 4/29/2023
Under gray and tranquil skies, twenty hikers walked the Estero Bluffs with CLC Treasurer, Tom Seville, to observe and identify plants and animals using the iNaturalist phone app. Walking along San Geronimo Creek the group spied Red Willows, Orange Monkey Flower, California Sage, and Coyote Bush. Red Winged Blackbirds and a roosting Osprey were also observed.

Going on to the beach with a light low tide the group observed Tegula Snails, Sea Anemones, Algae of various types, Buckshot and Goose Neck Barnacles, a large Tube Snail shell, and a Tunicate washed up from Estero Bay!

Four of our Observers (tom8992, marls, Chasteebs, and tseville) posted several pictures each and several had confirmed identifications. It was a great day to visit Estero Bluffs State Park!

Check out upcoming events at www.cayucoslandconservancy.org on the "Happenings" Tab and please come join the fun!

Posted on May 04, 2023 08:07 AM by tseville tseville | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Publicado el junio 9, 2023 11:33 TARDE por tseville tseville | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

31 de agosto de 2022

Cayucos Land Conservancy iNaturalist Outing to Estero Bluffs State Park, 8/27/2022

Cayucos Land Conservancy iNaturalist Outing to Estero Bluffs State Park, 8/27/2022
7 hardy Citizen/Scientists, all Cayucos Land Conservancy (CLC) members, walked Estero Bluffs State Park (EBSP) from the Fig Tree entrance to learn about iNaturalist and to begin the documenting of species present in the park. Unfortunately, the iNaturalist App and Website was offline for the day."Estero Bluffs State Park Species List" Project Administrator, Tom Seville, also CLC Treasurer, lead the walk and demonstrated how to gather photographic evidence of species present. Visually the group identified Coyote Bush, Lichens, invasive Fennel, Coastal Goldenbush, Cormorants, California Brown Pelicans, Gulls, Harbor Seals, and Black Oystercatchers. Despite the problems, all agreed it was a great day at the Estero Bluffs State Park!

Publicado el agosto 31, 2022 01:14 TARDE por tseville tseville | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
