A Global Compendium of Weeds, 2nd Edition

A Global Compendium of Weeds, 2nd Edition

Publicado el octubre 5, 2018 09:04 MAÑANA por italopithecus italopithecus


Hi @blue_celery and @purperlibel, I just discovered that there are 2 projects with a very similar focus - maybe an opportunity to join forces?

Publicado por jakob hace casi 6 años

In my opinion it depends on what you mean for "join forces".
The project created by @purperlibel focuses only on alien species of union concerns, that means its focus is much narrower than that of EAS.
So, I ask you how you thought to link the two project.

Looking forward to read your reply.

Anyway, I am open for any kind of collaboration.


Publicado por italopithecus hace casi 6 años

Well, I thought a single project might be an option, but given the difference, it might be better to keep the 2 as they are. Anyway, just a thought and up to you 2.

Publicado por jakob hace casi 6 años

ok, let's discuss about it

Publicado por italopithecus hace casi 6 años

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