FEEDBACK on iNat practice events for GSB Overberg
Crew Overberg had 3 events in July - Barrydale, Haarwegskloof Reserve (HWK) and Sandberg Fynbos Reserve. All events received positive feedback on social media but how did these events really do?
The numbers:
• 44 people joined the events - Barrydale (12), HWK (12), Sandberg (20)
• 14 were new iNat users - Barrydale (9), Sandberg (5)
• 17 people uploaded observations onto iNat - Barrydale (5), HWK (3), Sandberg (9)
• 4 newbies uploaded observations onto iNat - Barrydale (2), Sandberg (2)
• 65 Identifiers helped to identify species
• 39% of observations were identified to research grade
It was very much about creating opportunities for people to become more comfortable with using iNaturalist and also finding suitable venues for the upcoming GSB in October
• 16 JULY: Willemien de Wet organized the BARRYDALE event. The focus was on finding new people – 9 of the 12 participants had never used iNaturalist before and botanizing was also a new thing for them. Flora Cameron, however had many years of botanizing experience and took the group to a small patch of land that was brimming with diversity. There was much to be learnt about plants and iNat. Willemien followed up and assisted where possible. Everyone is now looking forward to the Swellendam BotSoc/GSB biolblitz day with Tony Rebelo 7-8 October (contact Willemien 082 564 5911)
• 23 JULY: Ina Georgala organized the HAARWEGSKLOOF event. The aim was to open a window into the workings of the reserve’s renowned research centre and herbarium. Afterwards, intern Nandé Notyalwa took the group to see special Renosterveld patches to make observations. This super cool reserve with its rich biodiversity was very much enjoyed by this group of iNaturalists.
• 28 JULY: Charleen Brunke organized the SANDBERG event. An interesting mix of people were included: 5 new iNat users, 15 experienced iNat users from Crew Overberg (7), Crew Cape Town (6) and visitors from Overstrand (2). Ismail Ebrahim (from CREW SANBI) gave helpful practical fieldwork tips and the newbies found themselves carried along by Crew members at this great venue. Afterwards, assistance was given to newbies with uploading observations.
How did these events do?
• All events gave ample opportunity to people to improve their iNat observation skills.
• Where possible, New iNat users were afterwards helped in person with uploads onto the platform.
• It is uncertain why most people did not upload observations. It could be that their iNat skills are already sufficient and are waiting for the real thing: GSB 28-31 October.
How can we improve?
• We need to get more observations to research grade. If you are an experienced iNat observer, confident and able to make identifications of species that you know well, then please take the next step and help with identifications.
• If you are a new iNat user, we encourage you to watch these helpful iNaturalist videos and tutorials
Also read about Crew Overberg on our Facebook Group: Southern Overberg Citizen Scientists here
Big thanks to Crew Overberg for supporting GSB Overberg!!