Diario del proyecto Great Southern Bioblitz 2022 - Overberg

Archivos de diario de septiembre 2022

05 de septiembre de 2022

Crew Overberg September practice GSB outings:

Join us as we iNat together, to learn faster and connect better with our Fynbos landscapes. If you want to become a member of CREW Overberg, contact Ian Fortuin 083 357 4132

  • 7 SEP at 9h00, SUIDERSTRAND
    2km flat walk to the best flowers in Dune and Strandveld vegetations. Meet at beach parking (RSVP Geoff Nichols 083 628 3945)

  • 10 SEP at 9h00, L’AGULHAS PRIVATE NR
    Limestone and Strandveld Fynbos flowers (Emm de Kock 072 601 6168)

    Easy 4km botanical walk in Overberg Sandstone. Meet at 9h00 at herbarium building on Kortmark street Pearly Beach (RSVP Charleen 073 610 3824)

  • 24 to 25 SEP, KLIPFONTEIN Farm, SW of Swellendam
    Document the vegetation in this area. We will have to see what we find, possibly Sonderend Sandstone Fynbos/Breede Shale Renosterveld? Overnight accommodation can be arranged. (Contact Willemien 082 564 5911)

    Drive and walk up the mountain and see Overberg Sandstone and Elim Ferricrete. (RSVP Ina 083 266 7652)

Publicado el septiembre 5, 2022 03:53 TARDE por c_brunke c_brunke | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

22 de septiembre de 2022

We need your identifiable observations in the wild

If you haven’t bioblitzed before, this is a gentle nudge to encourage you to make identifiable observations of plants and animals in the wild that have photos, location and dates. We are also interested in plants and animals gone wild - observations of weeds, alien invasives, and wild organisms are extremely useful.

Most cities will include observations of non-wild organisms during the GSB. However, it’s very important to mark those observations as captive/cultivated. By joining the Great Southern Bioblitz 28 – 31 Oct we can discover where the wild things are.

Aim for research grade observations:
Every observation with photos, location and dates gets automatically placed in the "Needs ID" category so people who are looking for observations to identify will find them. Observations without those three things are not eligible for "Research Grade" status and get placed in the "Casual" category, since identifiers probably won't be able to help if there's no photo or location. So, the key to getting things identified is to record identifiable observations!

Tips for making identifiable observations:

How to add an observation(s) on a smartphone or computer? https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/video+tutorials#identify

Then enjoy like this guy: - https://youtu.be/1-LjzKx-u9g

Publicado el septiembre 22, 2022 04:44 TARDE por c_brunke c_brunke | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

27 de septiembre de 2022

A helpful link to identify Overberg observations

Tony Rebelo pointed out that it would be best to use the IDENTIFY MENU OPTION on the top menu bar - (filter for our Project GREAT SOUTHERN BIOBLITZ 2022 OVERBERG, and also for unknown, taxa, casual grade)

or use this link to fix to CORRECT FAMILIES:

or use this link to find observations that NEED ID:

Prior to Great Southern Bioblitz:

Yes, Overberg fincludes 3 areas and they are listed as 3 separately places on iNaturalist. Here they are:

  • Theewaterskloof municipality
  • Swellendam municipality
  • the greater Bredasdorp area, which covers the broad swathe from about Uilenkraalsmond in the SW to Infanta in the SE, and onwards N of Klipdale and Protem

It can be tedious to identify each of these areas separately, so here is one link to find all the observations in the Overberg that NEED ID's at once. You can then further refine your search by selecting the filter for dates, taxa etc.
Here is the link: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?place_id=48632,48663,181829

Another link to identify all Overberg's UNKNOWN species (remember to filter further for dates): https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?iconic_taxa=unknown&place_id=48632%2C48663%2C181829

Another link to identify and fix to CORRECT FAMILY :

Here is another link - TO SEE ALL VERIFIABLE SPECIES OBSERVED in the Overberg. Again, you can filter it further by date etc:

Publicado el septiembre 27, 2022 08:46 MAÑANA por c_brunke c_brunke | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario