Plans are to update this project

Just putting the word out that I plan to update this when I can once the iNaturalist Year In Review 2022 is released.

Publicado el noviembre 14, 2022 04:04 TARDE por bobmcd bobmcd


Thank you. Counting down to midnight for #GSB22
Then I will revert to my usual challenge.

Publicado por dianastuder hace casi 2 años

What will be updated?

Publicado por optilete hace casi 2 años

@optilete I'm going to update the project to represent data from the iNaturalist Year In Review 2022 . This project is presently based on the iNaturalist Year In Review 2021 Growth by Country - the countries that are blacked out, where the countries and territories that each contributed to less than 1% of total growth of observations on iNaturalist (with the US removed) have been put together in this project. The assumption is that there will be some shifting of these numbers for 2022 and some of the current countries and territories will no longer be in the less than 1% of total growth while some new current countries and territories will need to be added. Does that make sense?

Publicado por bobmcd hace casi 2 años

Will you list the countries that move on?
And the new ones?

Publicado por dianastuder hace casi 2 años

I can. I could make it a searchable URL for both. Users could limit that by putting place of choice as a limiter.

My alternative is to just make a new project but getting new members of that project or getting people to make a new book mark could take some effort - and we are not supposed to promote project on the forum ("The iNat Forum is also not a place to seek help with identification, promote projects,.... It seems okay to mention them as support to ongoing threads but the difference is a little subtle. The effort of this project is not so much to recognize 2021 but to recognize countries that could use some extra help.

Publicado por bobmcd hace casi 2 años

Keep the original project going.
Put the new countries on #identiFridays one each week?

Publicado por dianastuder hace casi 2 años

Keep the original project going as is or as modified? If as is why?
I can't be certain how many members of the project are active on the #identiFridays thread.
I have no way of knowing how many people are not members but use the project as a filter in a saved URL....and of these people how many are active on the #identiFridays thread or the forum for that matter - I had also promoted this project on discord (which I am not active on anymore).

Publicado por bobmcd hace casi 2 años

'My alternative is to just make a new project but'

So, keep the old one going - but make the updates from 2021 to 2022.

Between the Forum and journal posts you should reach most people. Can but try, and they also need to make some small effort.

Publicado por dianastuder hace casi 2 años

Well this is embarrassing. Looks like Canada is headed to be a zero growth country - what happened? 2021 was an exceptional year?

Publicado por bobmcd hace casi 2 años

Maybe addin Canada in 2021 to the iNaturalist Network was a one time boost?

Publicado por optilete hace más de 1 año

@optilete possibly, but the Canadian node was created in 2015. I think low growth can be multifactorial. In Canada's case there are plenty of observations observations, identifiers, and observers and... with the stats refresh they are no longer a less than 1%. Guess I'll have to make another banner. it ain't over till its over.

Publicado por bobmcd hace más de 1 año

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