New Year, New Banner, New Icon, New Spinner

The Low Growth Countries list has been updated to reflect the Year in Review 2022. The list of countries and territories is more complete than 2021 - it was hard to find which countries and territories were blackened out and some were fairly small - and in some cases Islands belonged to two countries (or more - Borneo) - had a better system this year. The new banner reflects the change in countries. There was no icon before. The spinner from the April has been updated with 2022 <1% countries.

Publicado el diciembre 16, 2022 06:41 MAÑANA por bobmcd bobmcd


New Year, and yesterday I finally cleared my Rest of Africa backlog that exploded from CNC, and then GSB.
Now I can try to stay with - l look at what was uploaded today.

Publicado por dianastuder hace más de 1 año

Just catching up. India and New Zealand are removed now.

Publicado por bobmcd hace más de 1 año

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