April showers did in fact bring May flowers.

Welcome to our Native Plant Society of Oregon and Portland’s blooming BioBlitz for May. Look around you for blossoms galore. I know that I am finding many are later this year, it will be interesting to compare the findings to last years BioBlitz results.

So far, though, it looks like camas are winning the popularity contest again, as well they should. A note on identification between the Common quamash and the Great leichtlinii reiterated by one of NPSO’s top wetland botanists. The qua-mash corolla is bi-symmetrical, and the leichtlinii is symmetrical. See if you can find examples of each. Also please help others get their observations included in the project by identifying them so that they can be considered Research grade.

Publicado el mayo 3, 2022 05:27 TARDE por schallle schallle


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