VCE Citizen Science Survey - We Need You!

You, our citizen scientists, are what make the Vermont Center for Ecostudies stand out from the crowd, and we value your insights into our citizen science projects, like the Vermont Atlas of Life on iNaturalist. Therefore, we'd greatly appreciate it if you would complete our citizen science survey. Your ~15 minutes of honest feedback will strengthen citizen science at VCE, allow us to further improve our programs to better meet your expectations, and understand how involvement with our programs has impacted your life. And we have some great prizes to show our appreciation for those who participate!

Click here to take the survey. Read on to find out what you can win!

Grand Prize Drawing:
Everyone who submits a completed survey will be entered to win a spot on VCE's 3-day trip to glorious Monhegan Island in Maine to witness the spectacle of fall bird migration! The trip is a $1,200 value - or we can offer an alternative $250 cash prize if you're unable to spend three days with us having an amazing time, eating incredible food, and observing birds up-close while walking around Monhegan.

First 10 respondents will receive:

  • A VCE hat or T-shirt (winner's choice).

Other drawing prizes you can win include:

You will be asked to provide an email address at the end of this survey if you're interested in entering the drawing. Please know that ALL responses will remain confidential. We value your privacy; no VCE staff will ever see names or email addresses associated with survey responses at any time.

Feel free to contact our Director of Communications, Karen Bourque, at with any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your time, and as always, please stop in and say hello if you're ever in the Upper Valley of Vermont.

Kent McFarland

Publicado el mayo 22, 2019 08:38 TARDE por kpmcfarland kpmcfarland


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