Join the Vermont Mission Monarch Blitz 2024 (July 26-August 4)

This project is part of the International Monarch Monitoring Blitz. Our aim is to contribute a snapshot of the status of Monarch populations across Vermont each year during this critical time in their life cycle. We need your help to gather this data! The Blitz invites people across Vermont, and all of North America, to look for milkweed plants and survey them for monarch eggs, caterpillars, chrysalises and butterflies. This information helps us understand changes in breeding populations and productivity in different regions each year and to identify priority areas for Monarch conservation actions.

Mission Monarch is a community science program to gather data on Monarch and Milkweed distribution and abundance each year during the breeding season. Participants find milkweedlook for monarch caterpillars and share their observations with us on the Mission Monarch website.

Participation is simple! Just complete one or more missions during the Blitz between July 26 through August 4 and add your observations to Mission Monarch. Conducting a mission is easy and fun! From backyards to mountain meadows, all you need is a place where milkweed is growing.

Publicado el julio 27, 2024 05:26 TARDE por kpmcfarland kpmcfarland


For those of you that may be examining milkweed plants for this week's Mission Monarch Blitz, here's a great guide that one of our Americorps members made a few years ago. Check it out at And please consider taking even 15 min. to examine all the milkweed even around your house and reporting your findings to Mission Monarch for us! Learn more at

Publicado por kpmcfarland hace alrededor de 2 meses

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