Taxonomic Swap 74600 (Guardado el 14/04/2020)

Añadido por kitty12 el abril 8, 2020 12:40 MAÑANA | Comprometido por kitty12 el 14 de abril de 2020
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@kitty12 Would you mind committing the taxon swap? Or is there something you are unsure of? Thanks.

Publicado por rileyfortierii hace más de 4 años

I am always hesitant to commit a swap that will affect close to 900 observations. However, it has been a week since it was drafted and yours is the only comment so far.

Publicado por kitty12 hace más de 4 años

True, there were certainly lots of observations already. But I'm surprised it took this long for somebody to even draft the taxon swap, so thanks for making the change!

Publicado por rileyfortierii hace más de 4 años

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