Six years with iNaturalist | Шесть лет с iNaturalist

Today is exactly six years since I appeared on the iNaturalist platform. In the summer of 2017, Aaron Liston (@aaronliston) encouraged me to upload photos from a botanical excursion to Guangdong, China. I remembered this in December, and the process began.

Сегодня ровно шесть лет, как я появился на платформе iNaturalist. Летом 2017 года Аарон Листон (@aaronliston) подбил меня загрузить фотки с экскурсии по китайской провинции Гуандун. В декабре я об этом вспомнил, и процесс пошëл.

Thanks to everyone who believes in the future! It is beautiful.

Спасибо всем, кто верит в будущее! Оно прекрасно.

Publicado el diciembre 3, 2023 05:47 MAÑANA por apseregin apseregin


Congratulations on this anniversary! I have introduced many people to iNaturalist, and I often say that you were my most impactful recruit. The second most significant is Barbara Wilson @sedgequeen . The two of you have observed and identified close to 600,000 observations!

Publicado por aaronliston hace 8 meses

@apseregin -- Congratulations on al you have accomplished by recruiting other people to iNaturalist and then by using the data!

Publicado por sedgequeen hace 8 meses

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