Many Birds

In the past few weeks I saw many birds which included yellow finches, all kinds of gray or black little birds, Hawks, Blue Jays, cardinals sparrows, doves, and woodpeckers. Plenty of squirrels were abound too! I did not post everytime but saw some thing everyday!
I am so grateful to Carrie Seltzer for starting this program. It has given me such pleasure to be able to post my pictures somewhere and learn from so many talented and knowledgable folks from all over the place. So thank you all too who are wonderful contributers and educators to this great project.
I wish Carrie and all the fellow naturalists a Very Happy New Year- 2016 which is full of wonderful things, great health, wealth, love and much happiness instore!
Warm Regards to all,

Publicado el diciembre 31, 2015 01:03 MAÑANA por arunima arunima


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