It was a nice evening with a beautiful full moon. My daughter Meghan and I were the only ones that monitored. There were no frogs calling but we saw several Blanchard Cricket Frogs hopping around and got a picture of one. One very large American Bullfrog was on the shore line, but headed into the lake as we approached. I managed to get pictures of a young Bullfrog on the other side of the lake. Up at the restrooms we found a young Gulf Coast Toad. We spooked one Wilson's Snipe while looking for frogs and oddly enough had a Field Sparrow after dark flitting around in the Buttonbush near the lake edge.
Water temp (F): 74
Air temperature at site: (C) 74
How many people were observing with you?: 2
Wind Speed - Beaufort: 1
Sky: Few clouds, full moon visible
Water Level: low
Texas Amphibian Watch. Monthly monitoring. Seen only, not calling.
Texas Amphibian Watch. Monthly monitoring. Seen only, not calling. Young toad about an 1" long.
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