2024-03 Taxonomic revisions for local Seagrass IDs

I highly suggest reading the paper by Brooke Sullivan and Fred Short if you enjoy providing IDs for Eelgrass (Zostera marina) and Dwarf Eelgrasses ('Zostera noltei').

Especially Table 1.

My lack of retinacula in any of my Irish observations causes me concern and I must redouble my observations of "Nanozostera" samples and renew my search!

Reading https://www.researchgate.net/publication/369076254_Taxonomic_revisions_in_Zosteraceae_Zostera_Nanozostera_Heterozostera_and_Phyllospadix

If anyone has a photo of retinacula or has expert knowledge of IDs from Roots and Sheathes, I would love a review of my samples and photos.

Publicado el junio 25, 2024 09:42 MAÑANA por goldenshellback goldenshellback


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