The species I observed was the Crackling Goose, which was historically hunted for food. They were also hunted for their feathers and bones; some cultures' places relied heavily on Geese' for food (Geese para 1). It is the main meal at Quebec weddings and is often used for celebrations (Geese para 1). Hunting Geese used to be done with a bow and arrow, but now firearms are the primary hunting tool (Geese para 5).

My experience with Cackling Geese is from camping; they are relatively fearless creatures, as I could get pretty close to them while taking pictures on the lake. They would side-eye me and go underwater to get food. My father also told me Geese are very territorial and are extremely mean if you get close to them. He used to raise geese on his father's farm, and he was always told to deal with the geese because no one else wanted to, so he got the short end of the stick when it came to chores. I found the geese I've seen to be unintimidating, but I also don't know that much about them, and I never get that close to them.

The Cracking Goose breeds in Alaska and Canada in subarctic and arctic habitats (Cackling para 1). "Pairs usually select a small island within a pond for nesting" (Cackling para 1). When they migrate and during winter, they gather in a flock in treeless habitats (Cackling para 3). "They forage in freshwater marshes, saltmarshes, mudflats, meadows, and agricultural fields" (Cackling para 3). They also on lakes they like to rest, relax, and bathe in lakes (Cackling para 3). The way they are distributed during winter is determined by agricultural practices (Cackling para 3).

The Cracking Goose was interesting to learn about, and I wonder what my following observation will be.

Works Cited

"Cackling Goose Life History." All About Birds, Cornell University, Accessed 18 Sept. 2023.

"Geese." Traditional Animal Foods of Indigenous Peoples of Northern North America, McGill, Accessed 18 Sept. 2023.

Publicado el septiembre 20, 2023 11:38 TARDE por hannahbanana05 hannahbanana05


Fotos / Sonidos


Ganso Canadiense Mayor (Branta canadensis)




Septiembre 18, 2023 a las 01:00 TARDE AKDT


Your observation of these geese was interesting to read as I didn't know much about these birds even though I have seen so many of them throughout my life. It's interesting to know that they are the main meal at Quebec weddings. I don't anticipate ever attending a Quebec wedding, but if I do I'll be expecting a goose meal for sure. My experience with these geese is similar to yours. I could get quite close to them before they would walk off. I often found them pretty mean and rude with their loud quacks as I imitated them, but enjoyed their presence nonetheless.

Publicado por jstalker5 hace alrededor de 1 año

Ugh, geese! The most terrifying and gutsy bird I’ve ever met. We have so many raptors in Alaska, but geese are the absolute worst for me in terms of fear factor. They have none!

I think this photo might be Canada Geese, in my experience, Cackling Geese have much shorter necks, but perhaps in Alaska, they look different. I’m certainly no ornithologist.

My son grew up harvesting geese during season and boy oh boy, have I cooked a lot if it. The fatty, rich goose people expect when being served dinner is not at all what you get from wild geese, but their meat is similarly dark. I find making jerky is the most palatable means of serving up this prolific bird.

Publicado por samsavage hace alrededor de 1 año

Hi Hannah, I'm curious about where these geese are found in Alaska. Living in Anchorage, there were geese everywhere that looked very similar to your picture. Indeed, geese in general are incredibly fearless. Although I love watching their V formation, and I particularly enjoy their call, I do my best to avoid them when they are around. I've heard too many horror stories of geese chasing. I can't quite recall if I've seen these geese in Juneau, or if it was another type. I'll be on the lookout if they haven't already migrated for the year. It's intriguing that these are the main course for Quebec weddings! I didn't realize other places may have wedding food traditions, since its fairly flexible with American weddings. Thank you for sharing!

Publicado por lerajimmerson hace alrededor de 1 año

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