Drinks in Santa Barbara and/or Claremont?

Santa Barbarians, I'm going to be driving down to the Southern California Botanist's Symposium in Claremont this coming Friday. At some point I believe @serpophaga recommended that we do some kind of iNat happy hour event at Night Lizard Brewing Company, which is sort of on the way down. Would anyone be interested in doing that, maybe like 6pm on Friday 10/4Thursday 10/3? I could also come down a day earlier and we could do it on Thursday if that works out better for people (which would also mean I wouldn't have to rush off to Claremont the same night).

Let's see, who's down there other than Adam. @stephanomeria of course, and @swpip, @tomleeturner, @matt_g, @jeffgoddard, @zabbey...

Publicado el septiembre 29, 2019 06:16 MAÑANA por kueda kueda


@kueda, thanks for the heads up, that sounds awesome, but sadly I can't make it Friday night. I'll be working up in the Pismo area all day Friday and likely won't be heading back down until after you all are done in SB. Enjoy the conference and travel safe!

Publicado por zabbey hace casi 5 años

Sure, I can do that. Sounds fun.

Publicado por tomleeturner hace casi 5 años

I am interested--either day would work for me.

Publicado por serpophaga hace casi 5 años

Just realized I have a prior in Claremont Friday afternoon! So this would have to be Thursday. Probably for the best, anyway, this way I can just stay in Santa Barbara Thursday night. Cool. So I'll plan to be at Night Lizard Brewing Company at 6pm this Thursday. Hope to see some of you there! I'll be the guy wearing an iNat shirt.

Publicado por kueda hace casi 5 años

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