JOURNAL 1 - Pasadena City College, Home (September)

When I started my observations, I didn't really expect to find a lot of pollinators at PCC; however, I was proven to be wrong. Most of the pollinator groups that I observed: a majority being bees, wasps, moths, butterflies and hummingbirds, were ideally located close to flowers. These flowers were brightly colored, a common selection among species of pollinators. They were also selective of the plants to obtain nectar from. They ideally flocked together in plants that had a greater abundance of flowers, in this case, they were constantly found around the Yellow Trumpet Flower. These species of pollinators have shown to be a lot more active in warmer temperatures.

At my house, I frequently observed bees, butterflies, ants ,flies, moths and the occasional hover fly thrive close to the flowers in my garden, particularly near my Passion Fruit plant. Its flower, I noticed, produced a sweet sap (also present on its vines) to which the pollinators were extremely attracted to.

Publicado el diciembre 11, 2017 03:54 MAÑANA por mr_dev mr_dev


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