Snapping turtles are shy.

Saw this little guy bunting minnows and such in the local creek. He's the only snapping turtle I've seen in the creek proper and I was super pumped to get some good pictures of him and watch his hunting.

Unfortunately, he saw me and immediately ran under the rock shelf I was standing on. I stuck around for a while in hopes he would come back out, but all he did was poke his head out to check if I was there and refuse to emerge.

Sad, but at least I got a picture of it peeking at me. (Side note: turtles look kind of creepy under water. I totally understand why people have mistaken them for monsters.)

Publicado el junio 2, 2022 02:02 MAÑANA por nick_nv04 nick_nv04


Fotos / Sonidos


Tortuga Lagarto Norteña (Chelydra serpentina)




Junio 2022


Found in a local creek actively hunting small fish. About 25-30 cm from nose to tail tip. I accidently scared it under a rock shelf, so I couldn't get a better estimate or pictures.


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