I was just getting outside the general store when I saw this massive Raven sitting on top of the oil tanker, at first I thought maybe it’s just a sign or like a 2d poster but as a turned my head I , there was mass and it became very much 3D. I quickly hurdled in my car and dropped the instant noodles I had gotten and took out my phone, The first few pictures are just a black figurine of the animal where you couldn't even tell any of its body parts just a rough outline until I waited for it to get into the sun a little bit and see the feathers and others identifying features of the beautiful black bird. In my life I have seen lots of crows and even in India, where its actually considered lucky if they poop on you or your car and maybe 1-2 ravens here or there but these ravens are just massive in size and not only size but in their coloration too it's like someone had taken a felt tip maker and given it the glistening black it has . I knew I had to get this one for my observation.
In terms of the Alaskan Native context Ravens are no strangers to the Natives not to mention the tribes that are literally called Raven. This specific bird has a lot of meanings in Alaskan Culture, and I know this from the books we have read specifically A Blonde Indian. On the web additionally I found that they are called "tricksters" (“Alaska Ravens”) and do not think twice when playing around with animals or humans. I can vouch for this as in my first semester here I had got soup from the canteen and left it outside the library bench for exactly 3 minutes to show my brother the library via facetime as it was new to me and really pretty too, anyways when I came back outside I saw 2 Ravens just devouring my soup with the lid open and everything and even ripped through the plastic bag!!. The same source that calls them "tricksters' ' said that they are extremely intelligent animals and that they are able to adapt to the cold habitats and hot ones too, no wonder they are here all season. Some size measurements from the source are "The largest member of the Crow Family, Alaska ravens average 24 inches tall, with a wingspan of 46-56 inches."(“Alaska Ravens”). In terms of myths " Raven was a shape changer, who could assume any form – human or animal. Raven was a glutton and trickster, but he showed pity for the naked people he found in a giant clamshell. His trickery brought them the essentials for existence in a harsh world – game and fish and fowl, fire, clothing, shelter – and with them the rituals that would protect them from the dark spirits lurking about." (“Alaska Ravens”).

Another source mentions that these birds are not only the smartest birds but also are great in air acrobats which makes me think if they were to race an eagle which one would win , considering they are the smartest and use logic to solve problems that would be an entertaining one to watch additionally when it comes to mythical and spiritual aspects I found this from the second source "The Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian, Bella Bella, and Kwakiutl viewed raven as the creator of the world and the bringer of daylight, as well as an incurable trickster." ("Common Raven"). , which is similar to the first source calling them tricksters.

Citations in MLA According to Purdue owl-

"Alaska Ravens." Alaska Trekker,

"Common Raven." Alaska Department of Fish and Game,,and%20mountains%20of%20Southeast%20Alaska.

I’m curious have any of you ever played with Ravens? if you did please let me know how that experience went for you guys.:)

Publicado el abril 6, 2024 01:26 MAÑANA por senseofplaceriz senseofplaceriz


Fotos / Sonidos


Cuervo Común (Corvus corax)




Febrero 25, 2024 a las 10:30 MAÑANA AKST


There were at least 4 of them sitting outside near my car


Hi Riz,

Personally, I have never "played" with ravens, but, I have had them get into my garbage cans outside of my home numerous times! As far as I know, they are extremely intelligent and like to cause mischief. Have you ever read the book by Susan Ewing and illustrated by Evon Zerbets titled "Ten Rowdy Ravens"? It is a children's book that I grew up reading regularly, to the point that I had it memorized before I could read, and it is super cute. I believe that the premise of the book is to teach children to count to ten through cute little rhymes, but it has beautiful illustrations throughout depicting ravens being mischievous.


Publicado por eajohnson6 hace alrededor de 2 meses

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