UVM Ornithology Journal Entry #5

On April 15th between 1:00PM and 2:30PM I went on a 90 minute bird walk on the former Gifford Farm in Randolph Vermont. This farm is comprised of 60 acres of fields, and 80 acres of forests which is involved in the conservation easement program for the next 25 years. The forest is comprised of a wide ranged of habitats including mixed wood forest, conifer forest, and hardwood forest, as well as early successional growth of honeysuckle, raspberry, and sumac growing up in clearcuts which were conducted in 2017. The field are currently mowed and growing with grass and clover, and the pasture is mostly dead plant vegetation as it hasn't been grazed since 2017. The weather at the time of my bird walk was windy, 45° Fahrenheit, and partly cloudy. During my bird walk I continued to see signs of spring as I encountered many migratory male female pairs as well as a few groups of multiple males courting a single female. From my observation species compositions and behavior have not changed since my previous bird walk on 04/08/2020.

Publicado el abril 16, 2020 01:23 MAÑANA por thatchermorrison thatchermorrison


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Estornino Pinto Eurasiático (Sturnus vulgaris)


Abril 15, 2020


When I arrived to the Gifford farm I noticed a singular European starling roosted on the silo. Another one was on the garage, and two more were sitting on the lawn. I managed to get a photo of the one on the silo before my phone died. Due to the dead phone I was unable to take more pictures on this walk so I will supplement the lack of pictures with descriptions for the following observations. As I exited opened the truck door the four European Starlings took off which I find to be typical of European Starlings in this area.

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Pavo (Meleagris gallopavo)


Abril 15, 2020


The first two Wild Turkeys I saw were located over the edge of the bank of one of the corn fields. I heard scratching on the bank and when I looked over I saw a hen feeding away from me. As I watched the hen I saw a tom come out from over the bank and began strutting behind the hen following her as she ate. The second flock I saw when I got back to the farm. I noticed two hens appear on the edge of the field across the road. While watching them through a spotting scope I noticed one jake come out of the tree line strutting and two more appeared a few second after not strutting. The initial Jake continued to strut while the two hens and other two jakes continued to strut. This behavior is typical as the dominate jake is expressing his dominance over the other jakes, It is likely that the jakes were with more hens than the tom as singular toms commonly get run off from larger flocks of hens by groups of jakes teaming up against them.

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Junco Ojos Negros (Junco hyemalis)


Abril 15, 2020


As I was walking along an old logging trail next to a clear cut I observed two Dark-eyed Junco moving through the brush alongside the trail. They did not appear to be foraging but rather they appeared to be curious of my presence.

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Carpintero de Cresta (Dryocopus pileatus)


Abril 15, 2020


As I walk walking down a bank into a hemlock forest I observed a singular male pileated woodpecker flying through the woods headed uphill. It immediately flew out of sight and I did not follow it. When I got back to the farm as I was walking up the bank a male and a female pileated woodpecker flew over the yard and landed in a dead ash tree on the edge of the yard.

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Aguililla Cola Roja (Buteo jamaicensis)


Abril 15, 2020


When I was walking down the road towards the wooded section of the property I noticed a red-tailed hawk flying over the wooded section towards the top of the mountain. It flew over the ridge out of sight and I did not see it again.

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Pato Arcoíris (Aix sponsa)


Abril 15, 2020


When I walked down the road from one of the upper fields into the lower main field which had been flooded with built up water from snow run off three wood ducks busted from the standing water on the edge of the field. From what I observed it appeared it was two drakes and one hen.

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Cuervo Norteamericano (Corvus brachyrhynchos)


Abril 15, 2020


Over the course of this 90 minute bird walk I recorded 8 observation of American crow. The possibility does exist that these observations were of the same birds at different points. The first three crows I saw when I arrived were in a field across the road feeding. As I was walking to the woods I saw two more fly overhead landing in the trees in the forested section of the property. While I was hiking in the woods I heard one crow vocalization. When I returned from the bird walk two crows were still in the field across the road from the farm. Whether or not they were the same bird I do not know.

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Tordo Sargento (Agelaius phoeniceus)


Abril 15, 2020


While I did not visually observe a red-winged blackbird I did hear a sequence of vocalization from the edge of a food plot we have across the road in a small field.

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Grévol Engolado (Bonasa umbellus)


Abril 15, 2020


As I was walking up the main trail which is a snowmobile trail during the winter I jumped a ruffed grouse out of the thick honeysuckle over the bank. This grouse was in the same location as it was last week and was jumped at a similar time of day as well.

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Gorrión Cantor (Melospiza melodia)


Abril 15, 2020


I recorded a total of 5 song sparrow observations two of which were in the trees next to the chicken coop as I was departing on my walk, and 3 of which were flying through the brush in a patch of honeysuckle and raspberry bushes along the top of the property at the peak which was previously clear cut in 2016.

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Carbonero de Capucha Negra (Poecile atricapillus)


Abril 15, 2020


During my 90 minute bird walk I only observed 4 black-capped chickadees which were located in a mixed wood forest along a steep hill along which runs a dirt biking trail. I do not know why I had significantly less black-capped chickadee observations this week.


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