Field Ornithology Journal Entry One 05/18/2020

On Monday, May 18th I spent the morning at Zebedee Wetland in Fairlee, Vermont. I arrived at the wetland at 7:00 AM and departed the wetland at 11:40AM. Over this time period the temperature remained relatively constant in the 50's and the weather transitioned from mild rain in the morning transitioning to partly cloudy and humid around 10:00. I did not notice a transition in bird activity with the transition in the weather. Zebedee wetland is a small 27 acre wetland in Fairlee Vermont with a singular trail circling the perimeter of the pond. I completed two laps of this trail starting both times on the north entrance working clock-wise toward the south entrance. As the trail begins on the norther entrance there is a slight hill leading down into the first section of the wetland which is dense with understory vegetation, and has dead conifers scattered throughout. From there the trail leads back uphill into a conifer forest which encircles the pond wrapping around the back section with a small bridge which leads across the stream in the back on the east edge. from these conifers the trail hooks back around the the southern end of the wetland at which point it hugs the yard of homes in the area as it snakes through dense understory vegetation along the edge of the point with a healthy canopy of conifers.

Throughout the morning some species of birds were highly active while other common species like black-capped chickadees were fairly scarce. Red-winged blackbirds were highly active showing signs of the spring breeding season as males chased each other around while constantly providing vocalizations. Females were moving about the wetland landing on mudflats where I suspect the have nests but was not able to confirm this. At many points in the morning males would perch above the mudflats on which females were spending time, before swooping down rapidly and before taking off to the brush on the perimeter of the wetland. Blue jays were another species which was highly active throughout the morning but there did not however show signs of breeding activity. The remained in relatively large groups throughout the morning, playfully chasing each other through the tops of the trees. To better understand their activity I would like to look further into the meaning behind their many different calls.

The thing which surprised me most about my morning at the Zebedee wetland is I did not directly witness many birds showing foraging behavior. With the exception of the red-tailed hawks circling overhead, and the eastern kingbird diving at bugs, most other species did not forage while I was visually observing them. The geese which I watched milled about the pond but made no effort to eat throughout the morning. I speculate this may have to do with he warm humid temperatures, and the brief rainstorm.

Publicado el mayo 19, 2020 12:38 MAÑANA por thatchermorrison thatchermorrison


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Pato Norteño (Anas platyrhynchos)


Mayo 18, 2020


Over the course of Monday's field ornithology bird watch I observed three Mallard Drakes circling overhead before cupping and coming to land approximately 30 yards in front of me. After watching them swim for a shot period of time I stepped out from behind some brush to get a better view and an opportunity for a picture at which point they took off across the wetland.

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Gorrión Cantor (Melospiza melodia)


Mayo 18, 2020


As I was sitting on the bench near the back section of the wetlands I heard a singular song sparrow vocalization from the coniferous timber behind me.

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Estornino Pinto Eurasiático (Sturnus vulgaris)


Mayo 18, 2020


After parking up the road from the Zebedee wetland I heard two European Starling Vocalizations from down the road near the wetland. As I walked in that direction I spotted the two European Starlings perched on the power line.

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Tordo Sargento (Agelaius phoeniceus)


Mayo 18, 2020


Red-Winged Blackbird activity was constant throughout the entire morning at Zebedee wetland. It appeared the most active birds were males often calling and chasing each other around. Females spent a lot of time moving back and forth to mudflats which I speculate may be nest sites. I predict there to have been between 40-50 individual red-winged black birds.

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Junco Ojos Negros (Junco hyemalis)


Mayo 18, 2020


After I entered the main trail on the north section of Zebedee wetlands. I witnessed one dark-eyed junco on in the underbrush on the edge of the road. This was the only dark-eyed junco I witnessed all morning.

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Mascarita Común (Geothlypis trichas)


Mayo 18, 2020


Throughout my morning at Zebedee wetland I witnessed three common yellowthroat. The first on I saw on the easterly portion of the property as it was moving through brush among the grass on the edge of the open section of wetland. On my second trip around the main trail I witnessed a male and a female common yellowthroat moving among woody underbrush where the hemlock forest transitions into the wetlands on the northern portion of the trail.

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Carbonero Copetón (Baeolophus bicolor)


Mayo 18, 2020


Where the trail veers away from the wetland through a conifer forest on the northern section of the property I observed a singular tufted titmouse moving among the dead branches below the hemlocks.

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Chara Azul (Cyanocitta cristata)


Mayo 18, 2020


Blue Jays were highly active throughout the morning at Zebedee Wetland. I estimate there to have been 15-20 individuals on the property. They were moving around throughout the day using a variety of calls and appeared to be playing around chasing each other through the tree tops. I did not witness any blue jay foraging behavior.

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Papamoscas Fibí (Sayornis phoebe)


Mayo 18, 2020


As I was sitting on the bench on the westerly portion of the wetland I heard a singular characteristic vocalization of the eastern phoebe coming across the water from the coniferous forest on the northern portion of the pond.

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Carbonero de Capucha Negra (Poecile atricapillus)


Mayo 18, 2020


Black-capped chickadee activity was very minimal at Zebedee wetland this morning. Throughout the morning I heard 10 black-capped chickadee vocalizations, but none of them approached the wetland therefore I recorded zero visual observations.

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Cuervo Norteamericano (Corvus brachyrhynchos)


Mayo 18, 2020


American Crow activity was very minimal Throughout the morning I witnessed very little crow activity, I spotted two crows flying very high above the wetland early in the day. Throughout the rest of the day I heard between 5-8 crow vocalization from the woods on the southern end of the wetland.

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Ganso Canadiense Mayor (Branta canadensis)


Mayo 18, 2020


Two Canada Geese flew overhead and landed on the back section of the Zebedee wetland as I arrived in the morning. I watched these geese out on the wetland for approximately 20 minutes at too great of a distance for my camera to record. At approximately 9:00 they both disappeared into the emergent vegetation. At 11:00AM one of them returned and swam around the open section of the pond. I speculate this is a male female pair and the female likely remained on her nest in the vegetation as they male returned to the open water to feed.

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Huilota Común (Zenaida macroura)


Mayo 18, 2020


During my morning at Zebedee wetland I heard two mourning dove vocalizations from the coniferous forest behind the wetlands. These calls were at a great distance therefore I chose not to pursue them for visual confirmation.

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Martín Pescador Norteño (Megaceryle alcyon)


Mayo 18, 2020


Early in the morning I heard a singular Belted Kingfisher vocalization. A little while later I witnessed a red winged blackbird chasing the belted kingfisher from the area which I heard the vocalization across the wetland into the timber.

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Tirano Dorso Negro (Tyrannus tyrannus)


Mayo 18, 2020


For an hour during the mid morning at Zebedee wetland I watched an eastern kingbird moving about the marsh landing on different stems periodically. It appeared to be swooping around at times which I assume is likely it feeding on bugs in the air.

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Carpintero Velloso-Menor (Dryobates pubescens)


Mayo 18, 2020


As I was entering the wetland in the morning I witnessed a singular downy woodpecker on a dead conifer in a flooded portion of the wetland.

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Gorrión Pantanero (Melospiza georgiana)


Mayo 18, 2020


I visually identified a singular song sparrow at Zebedee wetlands and heard numerous vocalizations throughout the morning. Song sparrows appeared to vocally active throughout the morning on the edged of the wetland, but their songs were unknown to me until I was able to listen to an audio version in the afternoon.

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Aguililla Cola Roja (Buteo jamaicensis)


Mayo 18, 2020


At approximately 10:00AM I noticed what I believe to be a singular red-tailed hawk circling high over the wetland. Approximately 5 minuted after I initially observed it a second bird which I believe to be a red-tailed hawk joined it, and they slowly worked out of sight.

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Carpintero de Cresta (Dryocopus pileatus)


Mayo 18, 2020


I did not visually spot a pileated woodpecker however I did hear a singular pileated woodpecker vocalization and spotted a tree at which they had been foraging on.

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Pato Arcoíris (Aix sponsa)


Mayo 18, 2020


Early in the morning as I reached the back of the wetland I had a male and female wood duck fly overhead landing among the emergent vegetation on the other side of the wetland. After they disappeared into the vegetation I was not able to re-find them throughout the day.


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