Field Ornithology Journal Entry Two 05/19/2020

On May 19th 2020, between the hours of 6:45 and 12:15 I conducted a bird walk focused on grassland and shrubland species. This walk was conducted on the Ainsworth farm which is an ~800 acre property in South Royalton Vermont on the North side of Vermont Route 110. The property is comprised of a wide variety of habitats including coniferous forest, deciduous, forests, mixed forests, current pastures, overgrown pastures, hay fields, marshes, and corn fields, and riparian. This property was not the assigned location for my bird walk but I chose to substitute it as my location for the day as I know this property well, therefore knew I would be able to locate key areas. I have also in the past noticed a large richness of species present, but never documented species, therefore I saw this as a good opportunity to improve my knowledge about the wildlife community on this property. I feel this was a strong decision as I was able to locate and record 26 species of birds during a short period of time, many of which were target species. During this bird walk I restricted myself to hay fields, overgrown pastures, and current pastures, but I also passed through but didn't focus on deciduous and coniferous forests while traveling between pastures. Over the course of my bird-walk the temperature resided between 55 degrees and 65 degrees Fahrenheit and was mostly sunny with little not no wind. Upon arrival to the property dew was still on the grass but rapidly cleared up.

Bird were very active early in the morning, and vocalizations from different species were often overlapping. As they day progressed bird vocalizations and movement began to slow which I speculate had to do with increased temperature pushing them into denser cover out of open area. The American Crow was easily the most abundant species during my bird walk which I speculated early on would lead to a low abundance of song birds on the property, as i have previously learned crows and ravens often predate on song birds nests. I was surprised to find this was not the case. I believe the high grassland song bird populations was likely due to a large amount of quality habitat which is created by maintained hay fields, overgrown hay fields, and overgrown pasture, as well as a large amount of edge habitat around the perimeters of the hay fields.

One thing which surprised me about bird behavior today was that of the wild turkey. I brought my call with me and was successful at calling in 3 hens, all of which came in silently without responding. Typically in the past I have found hens to be very vocal while coming to a call. I know this is an area of high hunting pressure and speculate this may be due to hunting and predation pressure limiting birds vocal activity. Song bird activity was high today and bird were vocally communicating throughout much of the morning which I believe indicates that wild turkeys lack of vocal communication is stemming from a pressure specifically on their species. Another interested trend I noticed on this property is grassland species spending time in forests, and forest species appearing on grasslands. I suspect this has to do with the fragemented nature of the property leading to species traveling through habitat which they don't typically use to reach other productive habitats on the property. Despite finding a high species richness in this area I feel returning to this area with a greater knowledge of bird songs and a field guide would yield an even higher species richness as I heard many vocalizations today which I was unable to identify due to a lack of experience.

Publicado el mayo 20, 2020 12:38 MAÑANA por thatchermorrison thatchermorrison


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Cuervo Norteamericano (Corvus brachyrhynchos)


Mayo 19, 2020


During my Tuesday morning Bird walk, crows were not extremely vocal but had a high number of individuals which were in sight for most of the morning. I estimate there to be 30-40 individual crows on the property, which is a higher concentration than the surrounding area likely to do abundance of agriculture in the valley, providing ample forage for these birds. Although I did not venture down the route 14, I know from previous experience these birds flock in the bottom of the valley after corn in harvested, but it appears they were foraging on grass in the fields along the ridge. One field I observed 13 birds walking through the grass at one time.

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Vireo Ojos Rojos (Vireo olivaceus)


Mayo 19, 2020


I did not visually observe a red-eyed vireo as I was unable to spot it after hearing it. While I was sitting in an overgrown section of abandoned pasture I heard its characteristic song coming from an open section of hardwoods along the southern portion of the pasture. I attempted to find the bird but was unable to.

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Piranga Escarlata (Piranga olivacea)


Mayo 19, 2020


As I was sitting in a field atop the mountain which is currently used as cow pasture, I heard a singular scarlet tanager singing from an island of brush no more than 100 yards away. As I approached the island I was unable to visual observe the bird as I speculate it saw me coming towards it in the open pasture and flew to cover further away.

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Maullador Gris (Dumetella carolinensis)


Mayo 19, 2020


Gray Catbirds were vocally active throughout the morning. I visually observed 3 gray catbirds all on separate occasions as I was walking along field edges. All three Gray Catbirds were moving through the honeysuckle bushes along the sides of the field.

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Saltapared Común (Troglodytes aedon)


Mayo 19, 2020


I visually observed 2 house wrens during my morning bird walk. I witnessed the first one fly from a bank dominated by honeysuckle and young saplings, across the road in front of me, landing in a honeysuckle bush ~10' in front of me on the trails edge. When I attempted to take a picture the bird flew across the field and out of sight into a group of young pines. The second one I observed was moving amongst the branches of a box elder tree with a group of song birds comprised of common yellowthroats and chestnut-sided warblers. I did not have house Wren songs memorized before entering the field therefore I cannot comment as to the number of house wren vocalizations I heard.

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Paloma Doméstica (Columba livia)


Mayo 19, 2020


As I was sitting in the cow pasture atop the mountain I watched a singular rock pigeon fly by through the pasture away from a barnyard in the direction of a large chunk of forest.

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Gorrión Llanero (Spizella pusilla)


Mayo 19, 2020


I observed field sparrows in a singular spot on the property. As I was sitting in an abandoned pasture above a current hayfield I watched a pair of field sparrows moving up the honeysuckle along the edge of the field in my direction before departing back into the overgrown pasture. Over the next hour I periodically heard field sparrow vocalizations.

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Gorrión Cantor (Melospiza melodia)


Mayo 19, 2020


I visually observed 3 song sparrows during my morning bird walk. Two of which I observed while walking through an overgrown pasture, and the other I observed as I was walking trough dense white pines with significant understory vegetation. Throughout the morning song sparrows were vocally actively.

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Chipe Flancos Castaños (Setophaga pensylvanica)


Mayo 19, 2020


I visually observed 2 chestnut-sided warblers as they were moving throughout a box elder tree with 2 common yellowthroats and a house wren. I periodically heard chestnut sided warbler vocalizations throughout the morning.

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Tirano Dorso Negro (Tyrannus tyrannus)


Mayo 19, 2020


I visually observed one eastern kingbird in a section of hayfield which hasn't been mowed for a few years. It was sitting atop an old fence post when I initially saw it and after a moment it flew over a bank into the grassy area below and out of sight

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Chirlobirlo (Sturnella magna)


Mayo 19, 2020


During my morning birdwalk I heard 3 eastern meadowlark vocalizations but was not able to locate any of these birds for a visual observation.

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Reyezuelo Matraquita (Corthylio calendula)


Mayo 19, 2020


I visually observed two ruby-crowned kinglets as I was walking from an open field onto a trail exiting the field into a conifer forest. This pair was working amongst a honeysuckle bush. As I got closer they flew into a nearby sumac tree.

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Carbonero Copetón (Baeolophus bicolor)


Mayo 19, 2020


As I was hiking through the woods to get from the parking area to the grassland location I heard a singular tufted titmouse vocalization coming from an apple tree approximately 20 yards into some thick brush along the side of the trail.

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Gorrión Garganta Blanca (Zonotrichia albicollis)


Mayo 19, 2020


While I was sitting in the abandoned pasture above the active hay field I heard a singular white sparrow calling from the north end of the pasture periodically for about 30 minutes. I did not pursue this bird to obtain a visual observation.

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Pavo (Meleagris gallopavo)


Mayo 19, 2020


During my morning bird walk I saw a total of 5 wild turkey hens. All of which were extremely responsive to hen cuts and yelps and were able to be called into a close distance. All hens were on their own and not within flocks.

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Mascarita Común (Geothlypis trichas)


Mayo 19, 2020


Over the course of my morning bird walk I visual observed 3 common yellowthroat. 2 of which were moving about a box elder tree with 2 chestnut-sided warblers and a house wren. The other one was by itself moving about a honeysuckle bush in an abandoned pasture. At the time I did not know common yellowthroat vocalizations therefore was not able to record vocal observations.

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Gavilán Rastrero (Circus hudsonius)


Mayo 19, 2020


I visually observed what I believe to be a singular northern harrier as I was sitting within a current cow pasture. It circled overhead at a relatively low altitude and continues curveting out over the hayfield down the valley and out of sight.

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Chipe Amarillo (Setophaga petechia)


Mayo 19, 2020


As I was walking along the edge of a current hayfield I observed a pair of what I believe to be yellow warbler moving amongst bushed on the bank below the field. The bank was relatively steep comprised of honeysuckle and hardwood saplings.

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Pato Norteño (Anas platyrhynchos)


Mayo 19, 2020


I spotted a drake and hen mallard as I looked over the bank from a hayfield at two ponds within a cow pasture. The mallards were in the pond and as they saw me they moved to the edge and stood on the dirt watching me.

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Ganso Canadiense Mayor (Branta canadensis)


Mayo 19, 2020


I consistently heard Canada Goose vocalizations throughout the morning which is typical for this area as they use the White River as a travel corridor and often spend the day in the cornfield across route 14 at the bottom of the ridge.

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Carbonero de Capucha Negra (Poecile atricapillus)


Mayo 19, 2020


Black-capped Chickadees had relatively low activity this morning. I recorded only 9 vocalizations throughout the morning and spotted 7 black-capped chickadees.

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Tordo Sargento (Agelaius phoeniceus)


Mayo 19, 2020


I recorded a singular red-winged blackbird observation. The singular observation was of a male perched on a cattail stock above a flooded section of field on the souther portion of the property.

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Junco Ojos Negros (Junco hyemalis)


Mayo 19, 2020


I recorded a singular dark-eyed junco observation along the side of the trail as I was hiking into the grassland section of the property. This observation was located along a VAST trail in a deciduous forest with significant understory.

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Grévol Engolado (Bonasa umbellus)


Mayo 19, 2020


As I was walking into the grassland section of property down the VAST trail I heard a singular roughed grouse drumming from down the bank in a group of dense conifers.

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Zorzal Cola Canela (Catharus guttatus)


Mayo 19, 2020


As I was hiking up a pasture which was cleared last fall using a brontosaurus excavator attachment I observed two Hermit Thrush fly out of a honeysuckle bush down over the bank. It appeared as if one was chasing the other.

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Chipe Suelero (Seiurus aurocapilla)


Mayo 19, 2020


As I was walking down from a deciduous forest towards a hayfield on the western portion of the property I observed what I believe to have been an ovenbird moving up the brush along the side of the trail. It appeared to be curious of my presence and came within 10 feet of me but due to the sun being behind the bird and my camera lens having a crack in it I was unable to photograph this experience.


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