Field Ornithology Journal Entry Three 05/20/2020

On May 20th 2019 I conducted a morning bird walk to identify forest birds on the ridge which encompasses the Strafford town forest between Van Dyke Road and Taylor Valley road in Strafford Vermont. The temperature over the course of my bird walk was was between 60 and 70 degreed Fahrenheit and the weather was mostly sunny with very few clouds in the sky and relatively little wind. The bird walk I conducted took place between 7:15 AM and 11:45AM. The Strafford town forest and surrounding ridge had a wide variety of habitats including coniferous forest, mixed wood forests, deciduous forests, and early successional habitat near where I entered on the eastern slope, and by the beaver pond on the western portion near Taylor Valley road.

Before entering the field today, I decided it would be most productive for me to spend the first half hour of my allotted field time listening to songs and writing tricks to remember songs by in my notebook, allowing me to refer back to them in the field when I heard an unknown bird song. I found this to be extremely helpful for identifying species which I otherwise would not have been able to identify if I did not take this time before entering the field.

Similar to yesterdays experience in grassland habitat, birds were more active early in the morning and activity began to slow towards mid-morning likely do to the hot temperatures. Based on my previous experiences while being in the woods early in the morning I was surprised to hear a Barred Owl hooting nearly two hours after first light. In the past I have found this species to be active most before first light and shortly thereafter. One thing which surprised me about my birding excursion is the diversity of birds I was able to find on a single mountain. Previous experience while hunting prior to my ornithology class I only noticed common species such as Chickadee's and American Crow's but after learning new species it opens your eyes to the previously looked over diversity of areas I thought to be relatively unproductive. My apologies for failing to take pictures or sound recordings during this bird walk, but my phone wasn't plugged in the night before and was out of battery.

Publicado el mayo 20, 2020 11:38 TARDE por thatchermorrison thatchermorrison


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Mayo 20, 2020


As I was walking up to the ridge top from where I parked I crossed through an early successional scrubland, and as I was hiking around the outside of this area I heard a Bobolink call what I would estimate to be 70 yards away within some dense vegetation. I did not however visually observe this bird.

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Pavo (Meleagris gallopavo)


Mayo 20, 2020


As I reached the ridge top early in the morning I heard a wild turkey Jake gobble from down the ridge in what I believe was a hardwood section of the ridge. As I hiked down the ridge I was not able to visually observe the Jake and conclude whether or not he had hens with him, as walking through the dry leaves was too loud and likely alerted the bird.

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Cuervo Norteamericano (Corvus brachyrhynchos)


Mayo 20, 2020


American Crow were active in the early morning, vocally communicating throughout much of the ridge, and flying overhead at times, but as the temperature increased Crow activity lessened and only the occasion call was heard in mid morning.

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Chipe Suelero (Seiurus aurocapilla)


Mayo 20, 2020


I expected to see more ovenbird activity in this area, but only heard 8 sets separate of ovenbird vocalizations throughout my morning bird walk and was unable to visually spot any of these birds.

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Vireo Ojos Rojos (Vireo olivaceus)


Mayo 20, 2020


Red-eyed Vireo had moderate activity during the mid morning in mixed wood forested on the westerly side of the ridge. I was able to witness red-eyed vireo vocalizations in 7 locations on the westerly side of the ridge, and visually track down 4 of these 7 birds. All of which were located in mixed wood forests.

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Carbonero de Capucha Negra (Poecile atricapillus)


Mayo 20, 2020


Black-capped Chickadees were highly active throughout much of the morning. One flock which I estimated to be around 10 birds followed me almost out of curiosity as I hiked through a forest dominated by hemlocks up to the ridge top which was a mixed wood forest. dominated by pines, ash and maple.

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Carpintero de Cresta (Dryocopus pileatus)


Mayo 20, 2020


As I began to descend down the easterly side of the ridge from the mixed wood forest I heard a Pileated Woodpecker vocalization, and looked up and saw the woodpecker swooping onto a large White Ash. From there I proceeded to watch it drum for a short period of time before it swooped out of sight down the hill.

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Pavito Migratorio (Setophaga ruticilla)


Mayo 20, 2020


As I was sitting in a predominantly deciduous forest on the easterly portion of the ridge I heard an American Redstart vocalization from ~50 yards away. I was able to located the bird and watched it moving amounts the tree tops for a short period of time as it was calling.

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Zorzal Canelo (Catharus fuscescens)


Mayo 20, 2020


While I was on the other side of the ridge through a deciduous forest in what would be Taylor valley I heard the distinctive call of the Veery coming from a bit of dense underbrush near the stream. I was able to get within ~40 feet from where I suspected the bird to be calling from before I watched it fly out of a honeysuckle bush in the direction of Taylor Valley Road.

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Zorzal Cola Canela (Catharus guttatus)


Mayo 20, 2020


As I was sitting in a mixed wood forest atop the ridge I heard Hermit Thrush vocalizations coming from a hemlock forest with a dense canopy ~80 yards below me. I was unable to locate the bird within the canopy. Vocalization persisted for about 15 minutes before the bird left the area.

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Búho Barrado (Strix varia)


Mayo 20, 2020


Early in the morning as I exited my vehicle and began up the ridge I heard the characters hoot of a barred owl. I attempted to locate the bird but was unable to as I believe the noise of me hiking through the dry leaves caused it to stop calling and possibly leave the area.

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Grévol Engolado (Bonasa umbellus)


Mayo 20, 2020


I was walking through a mixed wood forest with significant brush in the understory near the bottom of Taylor Valley right above the wetland when a ruffed grouse flushed from ~15 yards to my right. This grouse flew down the hill towards a small group of white pines which I presume it landed in.

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Papamoscas Chico (Empidonax minimus)


Mayo 20, 2020


As I was approaching the top of the ridge on the eastern side I heard the characteristic Che-Bec call of the Least Flycatcher. I was unable to visually locate this bird within the canopy of the deciduous forest I was in.

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Reyezuelo Matraquita (Corthylio calendula)


Mayo 20, 2020


I was surprised to locate a second male Ruby-crowned Kinglet in two days. While sitting in the same mixed-wood forest that I located the Hermit Thrush in I saw a bird moving amongst the low branches a beech sapling. After hearing it sing I identified it as a Ruby-crowned Kinglet which I was able to confirm by recognizing the characteristic red cap through the binoculars.

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Carbonero Copetón (Baeolophus bicolor)


Mayo 20, 2020


When I was sitting in the same deciduous forest that I observed the American Redstart in I heard the characteristic peter-peter-peter of the tufted titmouse coming from the canopy over a set of ledges to my right. After I moved to the ledge, the bird stopped singing and I was unable to locate it within the canopy.

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Gorrión Garganta Blanca (Zonotrichia albicollis)


Mayo 20, 2020


While I was walking through the Taylor valley portion of location on the western exposure of the ridge I came across a single white sparrow moving amongst low dense conifers in the understory of a mixed wood forest.

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Zorzal Moteado (Hylocichla mustelina)


Mayo 20, 2020


In the same mixed wood forest on the westerly facing slope that I observed the white throated sparrow, I also heard the vocalization of a singular wood through from a ~50 yards down the ridge among conifers in the understory.

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Chipe Azulnegro (Setophaga caerulescens)


Mayo 20, 2020


Shortly after seeing the American Redstart I heard the characteristic vocalization of a black-throated blue warbler and notices it moving amongst the treetop of a nearby maple ~30 yards away.

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Junco Ojos Negros (Junco hyemalis)


Mayo 20, 2020


I recorded 7 observations of dark-eyed junco vocalizations while on my morning boardwalk in multiple different habitat types.


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