75 000 Observations!

Over the past year there has been a noticeable increase in the number of African herpetofauna records. As we pass the milestone of 75 thousand observations it is worth taking this opportunity to look back on how we have progressed.

Monthly observations of AfriHerps

As shown in the graphic, observations are currently just over 2000 per month, increasing from about 1500 in 2019. The total number of species observed is approximately 2047, and the majority of records (51 %) come from South Africa, with the Western Leopard Toad, Cape Dwarf Chameleon and Nile Crocodile being the most observed species.

Looking at uploads made during the year 2020, three users stand out in particular with regards to the number of species observed (many which represent the first observations on iNaturalist) as well as the number of observations:

@m_burger: 224 species (443 obs.)
@tyroneping: 201 species (213 obs.)
@ryanvanhuyssteen: 145 species (302 obs.)

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this achievement by adding observations and helping with identifications and may this community continue to grow.

Publicado el septiembre 30, 2020 04:23 TARDE por alexanderr alexanderr


Congratulations! A fantastic increase in observations, all across iNat lately!

Publicado por calebcam hace casi 4 años

Being closer to home in this very unusual year of 2020 has meant more time looking at the immediate environment, and appreciating it more

Publicado por raskal hace casi 4 años

Do we have a list of species that are not yet observed? So that we can get them in 2021?

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace más de 3 años

No, but perhaps something that I can put together sometime.

Publicado por alexanderr hace más de 3 años

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