Journal 10

Hell Hole Park, Diamond Valley - 1pm - 4pm - Saturday the 29th of October, 2022.

As part of our Citizen Science Saturday & the Great Southern Bioblitz 2022 we were joined by Nature Journalist Dion Dior and a very motivated group of people of all ages.

We focussed on Aquatic Macroinvertebrates which are insects in their nymph and larval stages, snails, worms and crayfish that spend at least part of their lives in water. They play a large role in freshwater ecosystems by recycling nutrients as well as being food for other animals. Wikipedia. After taking a sample of macro invertebrates from the river we identified and gave each species a rank according to the National Waterbug Blitz. This exercise gives us a snapshot of the health of the river.
Everyone then chose something to draw and were expertly guided by Dion through the process. All of the bugs were then returned to the river.

Pictured below are some of our findings. Take a look at our "Bug Club" Project on iNaturalist by using the QR code above. Keep checking back to see if some of our unidentified observations have been identified or to learn more about a species.

Publicado el noviembre 8, 2022 05:10 MAÑANA por shechosetofly shechosetofly


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