8 june 2020

Bioblitz of Cuenca del Rio Jacobo behind hosteria roulotte. Nacho and Carmen met us at their cabins. Hot coffee and homemade sourdough bread and a briefing about how things were going with the iNat project and where we would be going today. We walked up the river jacobo drainage, going through second-growth thickets and older pasture, which eventually led us to a beautiful waterfall. This water source is yet another area threatened by a housing development project. Most of the morning we were up here, and as the sun was blazing and energy flagged we walked down the path for my favorite part of the day: pork shoulder (I bought this cut from my neighbor) cooked perfectly after being marinated in wine for 2 days, homemade french fries, lemonade from the lemon trees in the garden, and more sourdough bread that Nacho had baked in his dutch-style wood-burning oven he uses for making bread, pizzas, and other delectables.

Publicado el junio 8, 2020 11:41 TARDE por rudygelis rudygelis


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