Day 4 - what a day!

What a sprint to the finish of the observation phase!
Today was the biggest day yet, with over 2867 observations of 725 species by 148 observers! 117 folks helped to identify those sightings. We now have 10,091 observations (and counting) of 1027 species.

Congratulations to today's prize winners: reneecnm, barrowvobio, caitlippitt! They were among the 64 participants with over 10 observations today. Thank you New Mexico Game & Fish for providing the prizes! Now that we're moving into the ID phase, we'll be drawing two iNat handles each day that we have an ID event (May 4, 5, 6, & 7). One will be drawn from the participants in the ID events (details below), and one from those who make more than 10 IDs that day.

While the observation phase has ended, observations will continue to be uploaded through the week. Right now we over 10,000 observations, breaking our 2019 record of 7,914! We're currently leading Phoenix in observations, species and observers. Watch the leaderboard tomorrow for any new developments here.

In the team competition, the UNM Department of Geography & Environmental Studies remains in 1st place with 1763+ observations, but UNM Biology has 35 more species at this point. Bernalillo County Open Space Master Naturalists are in third place. Check the standings of the team competition here.

Now we turn to identifying all those observations. Join us for an ID event!

CNC ABQ Partner ID Events:

May 4, 6-7pm: Virtual Herp ID event w/ NM Herpetological Society Registration   Fb Event

May 5, 6-7pm: Virtual Bird ID event w/ Audubon Southwest Registration   Fb Event

May 6, 3:30 pm: Virtual Bug ID event w/ ABQ BioPark Registration   Fb Event

May 6, 7 pm: Phoenix ID Party Registration (to both compete and collaborate, we're sharing each others' ID events)

May 7, 3:00 pm Virtual Plant ID event w/ UNM Biology  Registration   Fb Event

Go Team ABQ!

Publicado el mayo 4, 2021 07:07 MAÑANA por cncabq cncabq


Do you need to have a Facebook account for the ID events?

If yes, that leaves out those of those who refuse to use Facebook.

Mary Kinney

Publicado por pineycroft hace alrededor de 3 años

I still have a good number of observations from monday that aren't posted yet -- including some nice new species. I hope to finish working on those today

Publicado por ellen5 hace alrededor de 3 años

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