What is required to participate in the Challenge?

How does it work?

  1. Simply take your smartphone and load the iNaturalist app from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.inaturalist.android&hl=en_ZA&gl=US
  2. Sign up to iNaturalist.
    And you are ready. Do this now! Although the competition is in April, please practice in the meantime, so that you will be slick when the time comes.

Ensure that your GPS unit or mobile/ camera locality is on and then find something - a plant or animal, or some sign of it like scats, spoor, quills or remains.
Take a photograph or two. to show the different features from different angles, with some close-ups of features, such as heads, legs, wings, and bodies of animals, and flowers, bracts, leaves and stems of plants, and views of the gills or undersides of fungi. This will help considerably with making an accurate identification.
The iNaturalist App will streamline the process. And send. To save time and data, you can leave the downloading for when you are connected via WIFI.

Some rules (sorry there are always rules):
● No people please - definitely no selfies. Your domestic dogs and cats do not count either. Ideally wild animals please, but if in doubt, bag it.
● Use your zoom to take a closeup photo: to qualify we will have to identify your observation (we do that the week afterwards) and small images are impossible: please zoom in as much as possible.
● Please only post one observation for a species at a place at a time - several photographs are needed for many plants and insects, so keep them on one observation. If you are going to several sites during the day it is OK to photograph the same species of animals or plants again each time.
● Only observations made within the city limits between midnight and midnight between the 30 April and 03 May will count.

And that is it.
Stakeout your favourite natural or city areas. Check out https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/nature-reserves-and-open-spaces-of-durban
Decide on which sites you will visit. Make your own teams.
You are ready for the City Nature Challenge 2021.
Time to do a little practicing so that you know the ropes for the event....

Publicado el febrero 23, 2021 12:34 MAÑANA por suvarna suvarna


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