Snowy Owl Trailing on Plum Island

And it was a Success! ❄️

As soon as we arrived, we discussed with birders coming from Lot 1 (the beach side). We asked what they'de seen: razorbills, herring gulls, short-eared owl, etc. Then we asked if they'd seen a 'snowy'... they hadn't. So we informed them that there was probably one (according to our recent sightings tracking) on the left side (in the marsh). The time to scan the left horizon, and here it was cross the marsh!

We'll check our pics and share the good ones - they're not great as it was a far sighting in windy conditions. But it was so worth it, magical and a first for our new EwA volunteer, Shilpa! 💚

If you're in our area (Massachusetts), check our EwA Nature Circles and join us! »

Publicado el diciembre 15, 2017 04:41 TARDE por akilee akilee


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