'IDing party' for Bromeliad Flies of the Southeast

Bromeliad flies are my favorite flower flies, and are particularly manageable for beginners.

There are currently 534 Volucellini in the southeastern USA that are "needs ID."

You can join in at https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?taxon_id=479390&place_id=25%2C12%2C18%2C28%2C36%2C27%2C45%2C37%2C19%2C30%2C43%2C23%2C21

A guide to common species is posted at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1CVdfkzDCmdanEqDzs9DF2sl7uGvuZXMV0OGU54KPduc/preview

Let the fun begin! Let us know in a comment if you're joining ... even a couple IDs here and there count! And of course, feel free to start a discussion if you find a particularly challenging or interesting one.

Publicado el octubre 21, 2020 07:14 TARDE por edanko edanko


Here's (maybe) a good rare one, C. tricinctum: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/8179365 -- at the time of the observation would have been the 2nd of this species on iNat (now the 4th).

Publicado por trinaroberts hace casi 4 años

Nice! Yes, before we started this there was only 1 C. tricinctum on iNat, I've already found 2 more!

Publicado por edanko hace casi 4 años

Down to 291!

Publicado por edanko hace casi 4 años

Why are they called Bromeliad flies?

Publicado por prairie_rambler hace casi 4 años

"Larvae of most species live in bromeliads." - Skevington et al. field guide

Publicado por edanko hace casi 4 años

Down to 261--under 50% of where we started, hooray--and 50+ of those now have at least one species ID for something not in a species complex, so possibly straightforwardly waiting for a 2nd ID.

Publicado por trinaroberts hace casi 4 años

Up to 273!

Publicado por edanko hace casi 4 años

Anyone want to confirm this one or offer an alternate ID? https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/27262266

Publicado por trinaroberts hace más de 3 años

I just had a look.

Publicado por edanko hace más de 3 años

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