
Great Southern Bioblitz 2022: OVERSTRAND
Jenny Parsons (Pringle Bay Rewilding & CREW), Di Marais (Hermanus Botanical Society & Fernkloof Indigenous Nursery & CREW), Sandy Immelman and Magriet Brink (Kleinmond Fynbos & CREW) are the organisers for Overstrand BioBlitzing - both the annual Great Southern Bioblitz (GSB) and the City Nature Challenge (CNC).

The Overstrand took part in the #GSB2022 for the second time in October and came first in the entire southern hemisphere - thanks to our brilliant biodiversity and the amazing passion of the folk who participated. On Friday 9th December the organisers met with Mayor Annelie Rabie to celebrate this amazing achievement. (Thanks to Clinton Lerm - Councillor - Overstrand Municipality for organising this photo opportunity.)
Over the four days of the GSB the 171 observers in the Overstrand recorded 19 808 observations and a total of 2 623 different species – highlighting how unique and biodiverse of area is.

The GSB organisers invited Adele Scheepers Lamprecht of Betty's Bay to celebrate the incredible results she achieved as she not only obtained the highest number of observations over the bioblitz (1 265) but the highest number of species too (429)! This is remarkable and the Overstrand Bioblitz team are very grateful to her for her huge effort and constant dedication.

The team also wishes to thank everyone who assisted, organised outings, took photos and helped with the identifications. Our incredibly diverse biosphere has been recognised worldwide through this, which will assist with conservation efforts as well as eco-tourism.

Publicado el diciembre 12, 2022 03:06 TARDE por sandyi sandyi


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