Descend & Botanize? + INPS 2018 Annual Gathering

Is anyone interested in botanizing some locale in northeast Illinois sometime in the next couple weekends? Suggest a location in a comment and vote on a date here. Results are in and:

Monday, May 28th at 9AM
Illinois Beach State Park, Nature Center parking lot
Google Maps link:
Puccoons & lupines!
Chiwaukee afterwards yeah?

Also the Illinois Native Plant Society's 2018 Annual Gathering is in northeast Illinois and northwest Indiana this year. This year it is June 8th - 10th. Registration is open! Read more here:

A reminder that anyone should feel free to use this project page to create "journal posts" / "news items" to discuss the Illinois Botanists Big Year project or any relevant Illinois botany items! We also have a Facebook group, but of course not everyone uses Facebook.

Publicado el mayo 14, 2018 03:21 MAÑANA por bouteloua bouteloua


yes, as I am so new to this, I have no location to suggest, sorry. Just along for the learning.

Publicado por skrentnyjeff hace más de 6 años

I would like to go, but am available only one of those days. I will not be heartbroken if you all decide on another date. Are IL Beach & Chiwaukee overdone?

Publicado por elfaulkner hace más de 6 años

Oh I'm all about this! I work a lot of weekends so, like Erin said, don't let me be a limiting factor in a date decision.

Publicado por ewarden hace más de 6 años

@evan8 can we all crash yr Memorial Day party?

Publicado por bouteloua hace más de 6 años

Everyone is welcome to join us on Memorial Day at the IBSP Nature Center at 9am. Rain or shine.

Publicado por evan8 hace más de 6 años

Works for me. Thanks Evan!

Monday, May 28th at 9AM
Illinois Beach State Park, Nature Center parking lot
Google Maps link:
Puccoons & lupines!
Chiwaukee afterwards yeah?

Publicado por bouteloua hace más de 6 años

Why do all the cool kids live in Northern Illinois? 😜🦋🌼

Publicado por akstone hace más de 6 años

It's worth the trip ;)

Publicado por bouteloua hace más de 6 años

Yes, we get lunch at Culver's and then head to Chiwaukee after the loop at IBSP.

Publicado por evan8 hace más de 6 años

can babies come?

Publicado por jackassgardener hace más de 6 años

In a bjorn or sling, sure. Toddlers wouldn't fare so well. My kids will be hanging out at the beach for most of the day I think, still figuring that out. Make sure to check them for ticks if you decide to bring them to Chiwaukee, there are tons.

Publicado por evan8 hace más de 6 años

Reminder! Meeting on Monday at 9AM at Illinois Beach State Park nature center parking lot. Might want to bring a sun hat--forecast is similar to today, which is mid to upper 80s and sunny AF. Hope to see some of you there. :)

Publicado por bouteloua hace más de 6 años

Change of plans. I am going!

Publicado por elfaulkner hace más de 6 años

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