Is anyone interested in botanizing some locale in northeast Illinois sometime in the next couple weekends? Suggest a location in a comment and vote on a date here. Results are in and:
Monday, May 28th at 9AM
Illinois Beach State Park, Nature Center parking lot
Google Maps link:
Puccoons & lupines!
Chiwaukee afterwards yeah?
Also the Illinois Native Plant Society's 2018 Annual Gathering is in northeast Illinois and northwest Indiana this year. This year it is June 8th - 10th. Registration is open! Read more here:
A reminder that anyone should feel free to use this project page to create "journal posts" / "news items" to discuss the Illinois Botanists Big Year project or any relevant Illinois botany items! We also have a Facebook group, but of course not everyone uses Facebook.
@akstone @andrea14 @aseeger @ashleywold @bwsteward @carolt-80 @casteensp @casteensr @chasrued @chriskozlak @conniecowan @dbild @deansy @eattaway92 @ecl @elfaulkner @eriko @evan8 @ewarden @gunnerbean86 @irmela @isaaclarkin @jackassgardener @jacobandros98 @jenhugstrees @jetteth @jmb62 @jmmcclo @johnhboldt @josh-farnum @juliebags @kahokian @kennedy9094 @kkucera @knightericm @kristenmanion @lbrentner @lflack @lhesselmeyer @lindemanzachary @linze @lupines67 @marie25 @matt167 @megansneyd @missgreen @mn2010 @monika1993 @musgrave @mvandevord @nathanglamb @nweickert @observer26 @outdoorsie @partspermillion @paulroots @psweet @puzzlemasta @randomrover88 @randyshonkwiler @rgraveolens @rheinrichs @sam_stuber @sanguinaria33 @sedge @sheilasv @skrentnyjeff @slucci @smatelski @swalquist @taco2000 @timidlittleturtle @torino3759 @vvoelker @whimbrelbirder @wildernessbarbie @woodridgejeff
yes, as I am so new to this, I have no location to suggest, sorry. Just along for the learning.
I would like to go, but am available only one of those days. I will not be heartbroken if you all decide on another date. Are IL Beach & Chiwaukee overdone?
Oh I'm all about this! I work a lot of weekends so, like Erin said, don't let me be a limiting factor in a date decision.
@evan8 can we all crash yr Memorial Day party?
Everyone is welcome to join us on Memorial Day at the IBSP Nature Center at 9am. Rain or shine.
Works for me. Thanks Evan!
Monday, May 28th at 9AM
Illinois Beach State Park, Nature Center parking lot
Google Maps link:
Puccoons & lupines!
Chiwaukee afterwards yeah?
Why do all the cool kids live in Northern Illinois? 😜🦋🌼
It's worth the trip ;)
Yes, we get lunch at Culver's and then head to Chiwaukee after the loop at IBSP.
can babies come?
In a bjorn or sling, sure. Toddlers wouldn't fare so well. My kids will be hanging out at the beach for most of the day I think, still figuring that out. Make sure to check them for ticks if you decide to bring them to Chiwaukee, there are tons.
Reminder! Meeting on Monday at 9AM at Illinois Beach State Park nature center parking lot. Might want to bring a sun hat--forecast is similar to today, which is mid to upper 80s and sunny AF. Hope to see some of you there. :)
Change of plans. I am going!
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