
Hello everyone,

I guess too much going on in summer this challenge was a bit out of focus (apart from the esprit @carnifex put into it). But now, leaves falling, insects hiding, and with two Lasioptera observations lately in Leipzig, here is a new one. Let's take deep meditating breaths and look at stems.

I am no expert but I hope the appearance is distinct enough for easy IDing.

Maybe, if someone finds both Lasioptera originated galls intertwined in one photo carnifex will allow it into his Hattrick-challenge even if a third is missing?


Publicado el noviembre 15, 2020 09:57 MAÑANA por mobbini mobbini


awesome, I'll look out for these!

Publicado por alexis_orion hace casi 4 años

looking forward to it :-)

Publicado por mobbini hace casi 4 años

Will do my best :o)

Publicado por jeremybarker hace casi 4 años

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