Beetle Mania 2022 - Reminder - Submit your observations till tonight 2nd September 2022

Dear Friends,

Just to remind you that till tonight 11:59 PM IST, 2nd September 2022, you may submit Beetle observations that were made between 22nd and 28th August 2022

This is as per the original schedule, as shared in the event About page,

This is for observations documented during the event period 22nd to 28th August 2022.

Original Schedule
  1. Monday 22nd to Sunday 28th August - Beetles observation event period
  2. Monday 29th August to Friday 2nd September 2022 - Time to process and upload observations that were photographed during the event period only).
  3. Saturday 3rd September 2022 - Announcing of Results

Beetles Mania 2022

Publicado el agosto 29, 2022 04:51 TARDE por ram_k ram_k


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