Compiled Key to Xanthoparmelia in Southern Africa

Compiled Key to Xanthoparmelia in Southern Africa
by H. Sipman, 25 Nov. 2017
The key is based on the keys for the genera Karoowia, Paraparmelia, Xanthoparmelia and the Neofuscelia group published by Hale (1989), Elix (201), Hale (1990) and Esslinger (1977), respectively. The species not known from Southern Africa are omitted, some rearrangements are made, and added are all additional species reported by Fryday (2015) in the Checklist for South Africa. For the added species a reference to a description is given; for the other species descriptions can be found in the above publications. The delimitation of the genus Xanthoparmelia follows Blanco et al. (2004). Genus abbreviations: K = Karoowia; N = Neofuscelia; P = Parmelia; Par = Paraparmelia; X = Xanthoparmelia. For the currently accepted name of the species, see the websites of Index Fungorum or Mycobank.

Key to main groups (coinciding largely with former genera)

  1. Thallus loosely adnate, attached by central umbicilus.................................................. Xanthomaculina
    1' Thallus loosely or tightly adnate, attached by rhizines or scattered hapters ... goto 2

  2. Thallus upper surface with pseudocyphellae .................................................................. Namakwa
    2' Thallus upper surface without pseudocyphellae ... goto 3

  3. Thallus upper cortex with atranorin or usnic acid, colour whitish-, yellowish- or greenish grey ... goto 4
    3' Thallus upper cortex without atranorin or usnic acid; thallus colour dark brownish grey. ... goto 6

  4. Thallus upper cortex with atranorin, upper surface whitish grey, K + pale yellow ........... Paraparmelia
    4' Thallus upper cortex with usnic acid, upper surface yellowish to greenish grey, K - ... goto 5

  5. Thallus tightly adnate, subcrustose, often with immersed (aspicilioid) apothecia, with dull upper surface without or with thin epicortex ...... Karoowia
    5' Thallus tightly or loosely adnate, subcrustose or foliose to pulvinate, with sessile apothecia with constrated base, usually with glossy upper surface at least near the lobe tips, occasionally pruinose to scabrose. .... (Xanthoparmelia) ... goto 7

  6. Thallus subfruticose, with linear, erect to spreading, not adnate lobes................ Almbornia
    6' Thallus foliose to subcrustose, with shorter, subirregular to sublinear, loosely to tightly adnate lobes .... Neofuscelia

  7. Thallus upper surface dull, at the lobe tips coarse-pruinose .................... Pruinose Xanthoparmelia
    7' Thallus upper surface shiny, at least at the lobe tips, rarely thinly white-pruinose.. ... goto 8

  8. Thallus sorediate........................................................................................... Sorediate Xanthoparmelia
    8' Thallus not sorediate ... goto 9

  9. Thallus terricolous (on soil, humus or pebbles, attached or vagrant) .... Terricolous Xanthoparmelia
    9' Thallus saxicolous, rarely on other substrate ... goto 10

  10. Thallus isidiate ... goto .11
    10' Thallus not isidiate . ... goto 12

  11. Thallus with pale brown to brown lower surface, darkest at the tips .......Isidiate Xanthoparmelia pale below
    11' Thallus with black lower surface, paler at the tips ....................................... Isidiate Xanthoparmelia black below

  12. Thallus with pale brown to brown lower surface, darkest at the tips ........ Nonisidiate, Nonsorediate Xanthoparmelia pale below
    12' Thallus with black lower surface, paler at the tips ......................................... Nonisidiate, Nonsorediate Xanthoparmelia black below

see article for keys for the different groupings.

Publicado el noviembre 23, 2023 08:52 TARDE por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


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