


Hi all! I created this project, Oahu Invasives, in March 2015 as a test project for a Biology and Technology class I was taking. I didn't think much would come of it since there was very little activity with the Hawaii projects on iNaturalist and didn't check back on it. Well, I recently logged in and am amazed to see over 115 observations! How exciting!

The reason I logged back into this site (in addition to remembering what a cool site this is) was because I had the idea that iNaturalist would be a great tool to use for another class I'm taking. I'm participating in a graduate-level leadership class for conservation biology with Miami University. I thought that leading a bioblitz for locals and visitors to participate in would be a great way for both groups to get to know more about the creatures of Oahu.

I don't have all the details ironed out yet, but I'd love to have feedback from this lively group. I'm planning a bioblitz for sometime in August. I'd like ...más ↓

Publicado el marzo 23, 2017 07:13 MAÑANA por rguntkowski rguntkowski | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

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Hawaii is home to the most invasive species in the U.S. On February 23, the Department of Land & Natural Resources released the State’s top ten worst invasive species. The purpose of this app is to raise awareness about these invasives and how to spot them. The top ten list includes: (1) Little fire ants, (2) coconut rhinoceros beetles, (3) albizia trees, (4) rats, (5) mongoose, (6) ...más ↓

rguntkowski creó este proyecto el 10 de marzo de 2015
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